Zodiac Signs

These Zodiacs Are The Main Characters Of 2024

2024 is in full swing for us now, and many of us are feeling the effects!

Each year, we look forward to the year ahead and wonder what awaits us. While we all will experience highs and lows, some of us will find that we are in the spotlight, whether we are ready or not.

Main Character energy, which has become a staple all over social media, involves embracing your place in the world and focusing on what you want and need out of this life. It isn’t inherently a selfish thing—it’s important to pay attention to our needs and desires. We are worth celebrating from time to time!

Last year, Aries and Taurus served as the Main Characters—and in some ways, they are carrying that energy into some (or all) of 2024. Aries continues with the North Node in its sign, allowing bigger changes and moves to occur. On the other hand, Taurus continues to experience Jupiter, the planet of abundance in its 1st House of Self and Identity, for the first half of the year—continuing to reap the rewards of the hard work they put in last year.

However, besides the ones mentioned above, some new players are definitely having their moment in 2024. Let’s look at some of the other signs preparing for major attention in 2024.

The Main Characters: Aquarius and Gemini


This is feeling like your year, Gemini—embrace it! The most notable move happens when Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, moves into your 1st House of Self and Identity. After a lengthy stay in your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious over the last year, you’re ready to emerge and let the world see you for who you are. This is the first time in a decade that Jupiter has been in your 1st House, and it will remain there into 2025, so it’s good to take advantage of the blessings and abundance while you can. Jupiter is fortunate, meaning that you may notice improvements, make decisions to change your appearance in significant ways, and focus on personal growth in terms of who you are and want to be.

Additionally, you can put your mercurial talents to good use by using this transit to step into more writing and public speaking roles, polishing and honing your craft. If you are creative in these fields, you may find exciting opportunities await you to make things happen on a more public scale. You won’t have to do these things alone—the North Node of Destiny continues its journey in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, which may present you with collaborative opportunities to push yourself even further.

Finally, your 10th House of Career and Public Image also gets some attention this year. Saturn has been transiting this house for you already and will continue to throughout 2024, so while you may experience some restrictions and setbacks, you’re also learning more discipline in your career path. On September 17th, though, a lunar eclipse in Pisces will appear in this house, which may have you reassing and moving in a different direction with your long-term goals and career decisions. This may be the confidence boost you need to embrace new skills, but the results will be worth it if you continue to be dedicated.


2024 introduced quite the shift for you, Aquarius—the start of an ongoing transformation journey, whether you’re ready or not.

Pluto, the sign of death, destruction, transformation, and rebirth, entered your sign after spending the last 20 years in Capricorn. Pluto is considered a slow-moving generational planet, meaning its effects often aren’t noticed immediately and tend to affect society as a whole more than direct individuals. However, this planet is sitting right in your 1st House of Self and Identity (for Aquarius Risings) and will be conjunct to any personal Aquarius placements you have.

This is significant for 2024 because the initial shift from one sign to the next is often felt, and you may start to see the beginnings of major changes that will continue over the next few decades. At times, this will be difficult, as you may experience the undoing of what you understand and expect and may experience the loss of who you thought you were. Where there is destruction, though, there are chances to rebuild and find your true purpose in life.

In addition to this, the planet Jupiter will move into Gemini on May 25th and into your 5th House of Romance and Creativity. This is an exciting time full of playfulness and even some flirtatious connections—opportunities are wide open to indulge and express yourself. Creatively, you may feel more empowered and inspired than ever!

Even a few retrogrades, Mercury and Mars in Leo, will allow you to slow down and figure out what you want and need in your relationships and friendships. As you continue to discover yourself and experience new things in love, it’s important to establish what you’re looking for before making bigger commitments—but you’ll have plenty of chances to learn exactly what those things are.

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