Zodiac Signs

These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Unromantic – Even On Valentine’s Day!

That’s the thing with romance: While some people can’t get enough of loving gestures, for others the thought of them gives them goosebumps. Did you know that this predisposition can also be related to the day we are born? We’ll tell you which zodiac signs are not romantic at all.


Those born in Aquarius have no use for kitsch and quickly run away from exuberant romanticism. But that doesn’t mean they can’t show feelings – they prefer to do so through casual actions, which is their way of showing that they care about the other person.


People born under the zodiac sign Aries are super passionate and tend to act impulsively. Planning romantic surprises is therefore not her thing at all. The moments in which they show their deep affection for someone happen spontaneously and without thought.


Geminis are super talkative and have no problem expressing their feelings. However, you can’t expect romantic gestures from them. Surprising your partner doesn’t even occur to them because they find romance boring and cliché.


Virgo-born people are always on their toes, so there is usually no time for romantic gestures. They prefer to spend time together with deep conversations rather than cheesy expressions of love and show their feelings by offering their partner support in everyday life.


Scorpios find it difficult to trust other people, so they rarely show their feelings and quickly come across as aloof and cold. So it’s no wonder that Scorpio is one of the unromantic zodiac signs – because cheesy statements and gestures quickly overwhelm them.

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