A Sneak Peek At The Month Of November, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

(March 21st to April 19th)
For an Aries, this is the time of year where every part of your life is intensified. You feel in touch with your inner self – psychologically, philosophically, intellectually, financially and sexually. You want to make a lasting impression on someone during this time. You want to gain their attention and make them notice you in a major way. This person may be someone who you wish to engage with romantically, or it might be a colleague of some sort. Don’t throw everything out on the line in order to get another person’s attention, Aries. The right people will notice you, even when you’re quiet.
(April 20th to May 21st)
As a Taurus, the month of November will be an intimate month for you. You will feel connected with your loved ones and new connections will form at this time. You may meet someone who plays a big role in your life later down the road, Taurus. Keep your eyes open and be open minded. Don’t be quick to judge. Don’t write somebody off because they are different than you. They may just be exactly who you’ve been searching to find. Remember that.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
Lately, you have been getting hit with bad news left and right, Gemini. You may even wonder if surrendering is the right direction to go. But, this month will bring you little glimpses of light that bring you hope. You will begin to worry less, smile more, and finally feel as if the world is no longer out to get you. Good news is on the way, Gemini. Be ready, because it is big. Mid-month, you will begin to shift your focus on bettering yourself and your life in general. You will have a desire to pamper your body, mind, and soul. You’re worth it, so why not? Go for it. You are in dire need of some serious rejuvenation. It’s about time!
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
Being a Cancer can also mean being extremely and ridiculously emotional at times. There is no doubt about it that you are sensitive and wear your heart on your sleeve. This month, you will feel as if the odds are never in your favor. As if the ball isn’t in your court. You’ll likely blame this on others rather than taking responsibility for the things that have gotten you to this place in your life. It’s time to take control of your destiny, Cancer. No more poor me, or blame shifting to be done. It’s time to take a stand and responsibility for your feelings and your emotional well-being. You have the ability to change your life for the better, so what are you waiting for?
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
While the Leo is typically fun-loving and highly outgoing, this month might be a bit different. Your energy is directed towards other things rather than being social. You are calm during this time. You feel at peace with yourself and those around you. You don’t feel the need to be the life of the party or leader of the group right now. You are completely fine with taking a step back and letting things happen organically instead. This month is also a great time to tackle any home projects or renovations you’ve been putting off recently. Your creative energy is through the roof.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
As a Virgo, the month of November promises to be anything but boring. Actually, the last year has been far from boring. You have been through hell and back over the course of the last few months, and now you’re wondering what comes next. You feel motivated and determined to make major life changes that you’ve been neglecting to confront. You are finally taking charge of your life and getting things in order. You want to feel established, which is normally extremely difficult for you to achieve. Good things are coming your way, Virgo. Be ready for them.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
The Libra uses November to play their cards. You are having a blast right now. New friendships, social circles, relationships, you name it! Your sexual and mental energy is at an all-time high right now. You are buzzing with positivity and you feel absolutely phenomenal. You may have a strong desire to cash in some of your hard work and travel a bit. You deserve it, so why don’t you go for it? Book a last minute trip and go explore the world. You won’t regret it, Libra. I promise that.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
As a Scorpio, passion is the word of the month for you. Things start to heat up especially towards the middle of the month. You are feeling fiery and hot in all ways possible, and your loved ones notice it in a major way. If you are already in a relationship, your lover will sense this energy and be extremely turned on by it. Expect fireworks within your already beautiful relationship and things start to get as serious as ever. In November you will want to confront some things from the past that you may have not gotten entirely over. You will want to put these demons to rest so that they don’t haunt you down the road. The past is the past, Scorpio. So, it’s time to just let it be.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
As a Sagittarius, there’s an emphasis on clarity and direction in your life during this month. There are so many unanswered questions you have weighing on your mind, and it’s about time you get some answers. Use this month as a time to straighten things out. Ask questions and listen diligently. You will find the answers you seek once you take the time to truly listen for them.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
While you usually know the direction you’re going, your vision may be a bit jaded this month. You have a strong desire to end unhealthy relationships in your life and do some major “housekeeping”. It’s time to take a long hard look at the quality of your relationships, both personal and business and if they are pulling their weight. This is the perfect time to set boundaries for things you aren’t comfortable or satisfied with. Live on your own terms, Capricorn. You’ll thank yourself later that you did.
(January 21st to February 18th)
As an Aquarius, your talents will be put on a pedestal. All of your hard, tireless work is finally coming full circle, and people are starting to notice your efforts in a major way. It’s about time,, Aquarius. You have worked long and hard on a project that hasn’t gotten much attention from others. But, that is all about to change. Your efforts will shine brightly. Be prepared for all the congratulating as well as criticism. Because the two come hand in hand. Someone may criticize your work in a negative way. Do not allow their opinions to destroy the vision you have for yourself. Their opinion is irrelevant, along with their judgemental self.
(February 19th to March 20th)
As a Pisces, the month of November is a month of self-discovery and improvement. You are moving into a new chapter of your life, and things are changing very quickly. You may want to reject these changes, but you can’t run from change forever. Pisces, the key to embracing change is to simply embrace it. Welcome it with open arms. Hug it. Cherish it. Learn from it. Embrace the major changes in your life right now because they are going to benefit you in a major way. This month is also a period of self-growth for you. You want to connect with your inner self and get to the core of who you truly are. Practice yoga or meditation, they will surely help in this investment!