11-11-2022 is a magical date for astrologers. Not all zodiac signs will receive beautiful surprises on this day, destiny certainly won’t make a nice gift to some.
On November 8th there was a large lunar event, probably the biggest of the year. In addition to the full moon in the sign of Taurus, a total lunar eclipse has occurred, an astrologically very important phenomenon because it has led to many imbalances in all signs.
This full moon left the sign of Taurus today 9 November to head towards the sign of Gemini until 11 November. All the signs in these days will feel their mood suddenly change and many doubts will flash in their head. For some signs, in particular, fate will reserve a very bad day on November 11th.
Here are the signs that they will have a bad day on November 11, 2022
On this particular day, the Sun in Scorpio will meet Saturn the planet of discipline. If you are going through a phase in your life where you feel frustrated that you have not achieved the goals you set for yourself, this feeling will amplify.
The moon will instead be in the sign of Gemini, a very carefree sign, which will hinder the concentration of all the signs that will have a hard time understanding what is happening to them. Better to avoid making important decisions given the emotional instability of the day. The worst repercussions will have three particular signs which are Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius.
The Taurus will feel the influence of the meeting of the Sun in Saturn which will make him feel immersed in doubt and will cause a crisis in his romantic relationship. The stars advise not to be too negative but to think well because many problems can be solved very well. Better not to draw hasty conclusions and arm yourself with patience because these concerns will no longer exist from November 12th.
Leo, a very determined and very committed sign on a professional level, will feel a great imbalance on 11 November, especially at a professional level. He will feel that he is unable to assert himself as usual and that he has problems with responsibility. This will make him feel extremely pressured and several doubts will flash in his head. He will question some necessary compromises that he will have to accept to move forward and will not know what decision to make. The stars advise him to talk about what is wrong both at work and in the family. Getting stressed out without having clear answers doesn’t make a lot of sense. Clarify yourself and see how everything will evolve before making an epochal decision.
The meeting between the Sun and Saturn will emphasize a typical Aquarian behavior, being self-critical. This day the Aquarius will pay much more attention, more than usual, to how others behave towards him. Perhaps he will go too far into thinking that everyone refers to him and that he is being targeted. Even if everything seems to go wrong, the stars advise him to anchor himself as much as he can to positive thinking because after November 11th all this will dissolve.