Zodiac Couples Who Will Not Have A Long Life Together

Top incompatible signs in a couple!
Qualities, faults, and preferences are dictated on the one hand by the zodiac. This is how some couples are incompatible in the long run because the defining traits of the two signs do not make a good home together.
Of course, there are exceptions, so belonging to the wrong zodiac sign should not be a reason for breaking up.
Aries and Cancer
The energetic, direct, and firm Aries will trample over sensitive Cancer signs.
The fire sign wants freedom and passion, the water sign seeks stability and romance.
Maybe at first, the opposites attract, but in time the Aries will give in nervously, and the Cancer will choose with a broken heart.
When it becomes obvious that stress and resentment are stronger than love, the two better say goodbye.
Taurus and Aquarius
Aquarians are far too rebellious for the unwavering principles of conservative Taurus.
Their charm may seem irresistible at first, but it fades as you notice how different your concerns are.
Plus, as possessive as Taurus is, Aquarius loves freedom. And none of them is willing to give up what is theirs.
Nor would the relationship of a Taurus with a Leo or an Aquarius with a Scorpio be much more successful if neither of them is willing to make major compromises.
Gemini and Pisces
Geminis are curious, like to discover and experiment, and can easily be drawn to the dreamy and mysterious Pisces.
However, the sensitivity of Pisces means a lot of need for attention and affection, while Gemini is dominated by intellect and logic and can sometimes be mischievous even without realizing it.
If Gemini doesn’t make time for Pisces and surround them with their care, they will lose them. Distrust and instability stand in the way of their happiness.
Gemini with Virgo and Pisces with Sagittarius have equally low compatibility.
Leo and Scorpio
Here we are talking about two strong and warlike, proud signs that can hardly make peace.
The independent Leo will quickly tire of the Scorpio’s need for control and jealousy because he can’t stand being dominated.
In addition, as direct as Leo is, Scorpio is extremely secretive, waiting to guess his thoughts and then reproaching him for not succeeding.
It’s true, after heated arguments, hot reconciliations follow in the bedroom, but things can’t be solved like that forever.
Also, Leo and Taurus or Scorpio and Aquarius do not get along at all!
Virgo and Sagittarius
Virgos are devoted and soulful, while Sagittarians are prone to adventures and infidelity, bringing many tears to the lives of these natives who dream of a stable partner dependent on them.
Also, a fire sign, Sagittarius gets excited quickly, while Virgo’s calmness disarms and even annoys him because it cuts off his momentum and desire for adventure.
While Sagittarius wants to solve everything as soon as he claps his hands, Virgo is meticulous, shy, and the unpredictable scares her.
Virgos should also avoid Gemini, and Sagittarius, Pisces!
Libra and Capricorn
Strong physical attraction will keep them together until the first misunderstandings arise.
Capricorn is introverted for the rather unstable Libra, who always wants something new and loves challenges.
Boredom and indifference are what put such a love relationship on hold, Capricorn being far too down-to-earth and serious for Libra always eager for fun and new things.
Libra should stay as far as possible from love affairs with Cancers, and Capricorns should run away from Aries!