Zodiac Signs

Which Spirit Guides You From Birth, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

According to the Native Americans, we are guided from birth by a spirit that takes the form of an animal.

We cannot choose him, because only he can decide to whom he will reveal himself and with whom he will be friends. That animal can stay with us all our lives, although we are not aware of this. Only by paying more attention to which animals we come into contact with most often and to the signs they give us can we develop our spiritual capacity for perception.

American Bastinas saw these spirit guides or totems as guardians of the earth or spirits of living animals. Each totem animal is associated with a zodiac sign, depending on the characteristics of each one. So, based on the sign under which our zodiac is, we can find out which animals are our guides since birth.

Here is what spirit guides you according to your zodiac sign:

There are four sacred directions, four seasons, and four signs that influence the zodiac. Therefore, four types of spirits guide us in life. This guide can appear to us in dreams, signs, or symbolic events and can be part of the category of messenger, traveling, guiding, or shadow spirits. Learning the differences between the four types of totems is essential to know how to react and what actions to take when your animal reveals itself to you.

Messenger – Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Animals: butterfly, eagle, owl, hawk

The messenger suddenly appears in your life and leaves only when the message is understood. The message, in its nature, can be spiritual or even a warning, being related to an important aspect of your life, or a warning about an action you are about to undertake. Sometimes this messenger animal can appear during an unusual event, leaving a strong impression, while another can come in the air as a whisper. These animals can be beneficial or evil because the nature of non-speakers is impartial. Pay attention to the signs, to make the best decision when your spirit guides you.

Shadow – Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Animals: spider, wolf, lizard, raven

This type of guide invades your soul with fear. Its purpose is to teach you a lesson that you have not learned in the past from the countless mistakes you have made because of your greed, anger, stinginess, insecurity, and other negative thoughts you have. A Shadow guide will return again and again, creating great fears for you until its message changes your lifestyle or important actions. This spirit is very powerful and can help you overcome your fear by learning the truth. Ignoring this guide can be very dangerous and its powers will hurt your life. The Shadow Guide lives in the spirit world and appears in your life during a testing time.

The Traveler – Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Animals: ant, squirrel, bear, dog

The traveler appears when you are at a crossroads. When a decision is made to follow a certain path in life, the travel guide will be there to make your way easier. This can take months or even years to complete. If the path you have chosen is the right one, then there will be a very gentle guide who will advise and guide you every step of the way. If you get lost along the way, it will show you the way back. Unlike the Spirit Messenger, who comes and goes quickly, the Traveler stays with you until your life is completely changed.

Guide – Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Animals: turtle, snake, beaver, otter

This spirit remains a part of you throughout your life and reflects your inner self. You can have multiple guides like this, and new ones can pop up when you least expect it. They don’t go away and disappear, but integrate into your life. When you no longer need a certain spirit, it will be replaced by a new one, but only if the other one has completed its mission.

What happens when you connect with your spirit guide?

Connecting with your guide will make you a better person. You will be much healthier physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You will see the world and things on this earth much clearer and deeper. Animals are happy creatures. There is no doubt that they share the most beautiful and balanced emotions. Animals love and protect each other. They also feel sadness and melancholy and do not know the feelings of envy and hatred. Unspeakable women live a sinless life and we should have them as an example to have a fulfilled life.

So animals are here to educate us and make us better beings. They always remind us that we are only a small part of a huge project of creation, that every part of creation has its place, and that every creature has its own will and unique soul.

We must begin this learning process by developing a relationship with one or more guide animals. This takes time and patience, but not physical interaction. Instead, we can learn about their traits, habits, characteristics, and spirit. The guide animal must be a source of inspiration for us. Only in this way can we benefit from his precious advice.

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