Zodiac Signs


You’ve probably already learned it the hard way: dealing with the most mischievous zodiac signs in the horoscope is never fun! Let’s find out what they are, in order to avoid future problems!

A wink here, a longer hug than usual somewhere else, a like well placed under the photo of a person who is not their partner.
No, let’s not talk about the latest scandal between influencers (by the way, is there still someone who is interested in their very false lives?) But simply about the zodiac signs that will always behave … to the limit, so to speak.
Ready to find out who they are?

The most mischievous zodiac signs of the whole horoscope: are you in the ranking today?

Admit it: flirting is fun for you and making others “nervous” is something that makes you shiver with pleasure. Hey, if you’re not the person we have in mind sorry: today we have to deal with the most mischievous zodiac signs of the horoscope and we thought you were among them!

Below you will find the top five positions of the zodiac signs that just can’t help but always be particularly ” mischievous ” when it comes to being in company. You could find your boyfriend among them (always ready to make “nice” comments about others or to put likes that drive you mad with rage) or have the nasty surprise of… finding your sign among them! Hey, it’s not our fault – blame the stars and planets just in case !

Sagittarius: fifth place

Yes, dear friends of Sagittarius , we have decided to reveal all your secrets! You are in the ranking of the most mischievous zodiac signs of the horoscope and there is nothing to do. You know very well why!

For all those who don’t know Sagittarius well , we want to tell it like it is. Sagittarians are particularly “provolones” with others, capable of making offers on the verge of decent even to close friends. Be careful with them!

Pisces: fourth place

But how, are Pisces so romantic and in love with love in today’s horoscope ranking? The answer is yes: Pisces are particularly mischievous people, always with a raised eyebrow and easy wink !

It doesn’t take long for Pisces to conquer others, which is why (especially when they feel down in the dumps) they don’t take long to be mischievous with everyone else.
They know that people can’t wait to fall at their feet… or their fins!

Gemini: third place

Is there anyone more mischievous than Gemini ? Obviously the answer is yes since they are  only third in the ranking of the most mischievous zodiac signs . However, this does not mean that much: Gemini are particularly mischievous people, who always have an “ace” up their sleeve to play!

For Gemini , in fact, there is no possibility of ever behaving “well” with the people they know. Even if they say no, they love to be at the center of the dramas and be the protagonists of many small scandals . Being mischievous is essential for this process!

Capricorn: second place

Who would have thought that Capricorns (so serious and staid) would have found themselves in the ranking of the most mischievous zodiac signs and even so high? Probably every person who has had anything to do with them!

That Capricorns are mischievous is practically a secret of Pulcinella. Those born under this sign are people who do not mind both flirting and suggesting situations at the limit of the legal to others, always ready to back out when they are asked to account for everything!

Leo: first place in the ranking of the most mischievous zodiac signs of the horoscope

Hey, don’t blame us for this revelation, dear Leos , but we just had to tell everyone.
You are the most mischievous of the horoscope !

This is why you are at the top of the ranking of the zodiac signs that do not trust anyone : if everyone were like you, there really would be never to trust!
The reason why you are at the top of today’s ranking is that you Leos are always being mischievous with someone. You’re just great at hiding it !
You always have a ” crush ” that hides under layers and layers of emotional blocks and this, in your opinion, allows you to behave exactly the way you want.
Too bad that people who have to do with Leos know well that this attitude, sooner or later, comes out. Mischievous and also convinced of being able to hide from the eyes of all the others: dear Leone but who do you want to deceive?

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