Love Horoscope For The Week Of September 18 – 24, 2023. Libra And Pisces Are At Risk Of Breaking Up

A quiet week, with good news from the stars. Relationships flourish, and love comes first for many zodiac signs. However, some natives could say “goodbye”.
The love horoscope announces that at the end of the week of September 18 – 24, 2023, we enter the Libra Season, when the sun reaches this sign on September 23. This date is extremely important, because it is also then that the autumn equinox occurs, when we officially enter the cold season, and the days become shorter.
In addition, the Sun forms an aspect with Pluto on Thursday, just before it leaves Virgo and enters Libra. This trine aspect is powerful. It gives us strength. It makes us feel strong, in control, and ambitious. From the middle of the week onwards, we can capitalize on the incredible energy of this configuration and make the changes we want in our lives.
Let’s see the predictions from the love horoscope for the week of September 18-24 for each zodiac sign.
Between Wednesday and Friday, you will have intense energy. Your ambition knows no limits and you know exactly what you need to do to move forward. It doesn’t matter how small the task is, or how detailed the project is, you will put your best into it. On Saturday, the energy changes, along with the September equinox, and you will need a break. A beneficial energy also appears in your emotional life. If you are in a relationship, you will feel a deeper connection with your partner.
If you are single, at the end of the week you will easily attract anyone’s attention and you will meet someone special. Trust your instincts and enjoy the romantic moments.
This week brings greater stability in relationships. It is a good time to discuss plans and to strengthen ties with your partner. This is an important turning point, symbolically. The autumn equinox comes to remind you that there are still a few months until the end of the year and it’s time to do those things you wanted and postponed. The Libra season is one of balance, so you will be able to make the most appropriate decisions for your love life.
If you are not in a relationship yet, be patient, because someone special is on the way.
At the beginning of the week, you may set certain limits for someone around you. This is especially true for families, so make sure these boundaries are strong. Fortunately, this energy fades – quickly – and by Thursday, you’ll feel like you’re back in control. Your relationships will develop through deep conversations. Especially in love, intimacy becomes more important than ever. It’s good to be vulnerable in front of your partner and show him those things you’ve repressed. At the weekend, the influence of the autumn equinox is strong and you become romantic and sensual.
If you are alone, it is time to open up to new opportunities and explore new and interesting connections.
There is someone in your world who has a rather large influence on you. This is more pronounced at the beginning of the week. Your boundaries may be more sensitive, being much easier to influence than usual. It is important to be careful who you allow access to your mind in the next period. You will feel the need to focus on emotional and spiritual needs. You might have important discussions with your life partner to make sure you are on the same wavelength.
If you are single, before jumping into a relationship, it would be good to make sure that you are in balance with yourself.
The sun is in the creativity sector of your chart, and it shows. This week brings a dose of passion and adventure in relationships. You and your partner can plan romantic getaways or fun adventures together. You can express yourself freely in your love relationship and enjoy a lot of freedom. It would be recommended to look around you because, in the next period, you will find out who is your true friend.
If you are not in a relationship, your sexual attraction will be high and you can meet someone who arouses your interest.
There is a configuration in which it is possible to feel a little lost, confused, or maybe even negatively influenced by someone external. Treat this as a quick opportunity to set some boundaries and then move on. Claim your power, because it’s right there, waiting for you. Until Saturday, with the change of the signs of the Sun, the energy changes and the winds of change help you find your balance. Work together with your partner to solve everyday problems and improve the quality of your life as a couple.
If you are not yet in a relationship, it is possible to meet someone in a work-related context or to feel attracted to a person with long-term potential.
The wind of big decisions blows towards your life. You probably look at the next period as one of rebirth, being your anniversary moment. On September 23, the equinox, the Sun arrives in your sign. From that point, you will start making certain changes in your life, to get you to that point you dream of. It can be about changing the space (renovation, remodeling), professional change, but also an important decision in love. If there are problems in the love sector, now you will dot the i. If there is nothing left to solve, you can even expect a breakup.
If you are not in a relationship, trust your natural attraction and enjoy the romantic meetings that are announced in the next period.
A friend might disappoint you this week. Or you fail to fulfill a goal. You have certainly suffered in terms of relationships with those around you. The cosmic energy takes a turn for the better on Thursday when the Sun forms a trine with Pluto, and you will recover and see things from a new perspective. From Saturday, with the Sun moving into your spiritual sector, it’s time to relax and reserve some time for your love relationship. You will feel a strong emotional intensity. There may be a need to face hidden truths or to connect more deeply with your partner.
If you are alone, it is time to open up emotionally. Love appears where you least expect it.
On Saturday, the Sun arrives in your social sector. You can’t wait to socialize, so let it go, with confidence! Open your wings and fly. You have a million options in front of you now. Enjoy them. You have a share of adventure and excitement in relationships. You can explore new places or activities with your partner and renew the passion of the couple.
If you are alone, be open to new people and experiences, because love can appear from an unexpected corner.
This is a suitable week for planning and setting goals in relationships. It’s time to think about the future and the direction in which you are heading together. From Saturday, with the Sun moving into your adventure and education sector, there are countless opportunities for you to enjoy discovering new information – information that brings you a much more balanced perspective. In addition, it may also be an excellent time for travel and expansion of any kind.
If you are single, don’t rush into a relationship. It is recommended to be selective and look for someone who shares your values and aspirations.
The end of the week comes with good news! The sun moves into your passion sector on Saturday, helping you connect better with your life partner. It’s a fairly quiet period for you, in which you might reconnect with a certain person for whom you haven’t had time in the last period. Family relationships are also better connected, where you might even receive good news. In general, the next period, until the end of September, will be important for the socialization plan, because you manage to get your energy from people.
If you are not in a relationship, accept unconventional meetings with people who have different perspectives. You will meet someone very special.
The beginning of the week will be at least strange for you. You tend to run away and avoid your obligations. Any conflict in a relationship destabilizes you. If you do not fix what is happening between you and your partner, the equinox may put you in front of the irrevocable decision to break up. However, if your love relationship is on good terms, you can count on your partner to be by your side during this confusing time and help you find your way.
If you are alone, intuition will guide you to a deep and spiritual connection.