Horoscope For The Week Of October 16-22

This week is between two eclipses – the solar eclipse on October 14, and the lunar eclipse on October 28.
Even if the situation will not be as intense as last week, everything seems to be urgent and requires immediate attention. The goal is simplicity and although it can be satisfying to get rid of the things that hold you in place, at the same time it can be exhausting to constantly make difficult decisions.
On October 20, Mercury forms a connection with the Sun and brings us the clarity we need after a period of confusion. And on October 21, the Sun and Pluto form a square that energizes and motivates us but triggers our main fears.
Discover the horoscope for the week of October 16-22 for your zodiac sign:
Last week’s Solar Eclipse brought you a new perspective on your closest relationships, and this week you don’t know exactly what decision to make if you should stay or leave such relationships. The aspect between the Sun and Mercury, which takes place on October 20, gives you a moment of revelation and clarity. You will discover how to assert your needs without causing too much drama.
You have a lot to do, but you feel that you don’t have the time, energy, and resources to do them all. In the moments when you feel overwhelmed, think if this stress belongs to you or comes from someone else. Maybe all these tasks you have are not as difficult as you think, but they are just burdened by someone else’s pressure and energy.
Whether there are conflicts in friendships, or whether the group you belong to shows signs of falling apart, you feel the need to prioritize the way you spend your free time. You are usually focused on keeping your schedule busy because your mind is always hyperactive, but now it would be appropriate to slow down and focus on one thing. Your world becomes more beautiful when you simplify it.
Last week’s Solar Eclipse brought to light some difficult truths about your family. But instead of being stuck in painful emotions, you learn to give up everything especially the battles that you know you will never win. The aspect between the Sun and Pluto, on October 21, gives you more clarity about the people you need to keep close to and those you need to let go of.
Last week’s Solar Eclipse left you exhausted. This week you realize that maybe it’s time to leave that discussion group, to cut contact with some acquaintances, or to refuse the invitation to a party. It is necessary to manage your time better because it is extremely precious. You don’t have to feel guilty if you put yourself first.
You thought you would have some extra money to spend as you want, but instead, you turn to your savings to cover some unexpected expenses. Maybe it’s the perfect time to think of new ways to make money, especially if you’ve had this plan for some time. Use your passions and turn your dreams into reality.
Last week’s Solar Eclipse left you simply exhausted, and now you are ready to give up any type of socializing and hide for a while. Your social schedule is not as busy as it was during the summer, so instead of crowding it with meetings, yoga training, or other activities, you could stay home and rest.
This week you are spending the last days of a self-imposed isolation period. Whether you chose to do this to rest or to overcome a difficult situation, you learned a lot about yourself during this period of introspection. The aspect between the Sun and Mercury, on October 20, gives you some clear clues about the next steps you need to take to improve your life.
Last week’s Solar Eclipse brought small earthquakes in your group of friends, at work, but also regarding your dreams and goals. Now you have the difficult mission of giving up something to make room for something really important in your life. Mercury forms an aspect with the Sun on October 21st and brings you some profound advice about your next steps through a new mentor or friend.
That important meeting that you have been waiting for for some time will take place soon, and this week you feel that it is defining for obtaining new clients, having influence in your community, or strengthening your leadership role. Some wise words from your boss or a mentor remind you on October 20 that the goal is less to impress someone and more to find the joy of trusting your abilities.
For you, this week boils down to synthesizing information, whether it’s a project at work, a piece of work, or a hobby. If Venus retrograde this summer did not clearly show you what kind of relationships are right for you, the truth you will discover this week will help you see this.
In your case, this week refers to consolidation. It can be a serious discussion with your life partner, in which you say everything from your heart, or a meeting with a financial consultant who helps you put your finances in order. Getting rid of this psychological burden inspires you at the same time to take more care of yourself. It’s time for rest in any form.