Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of November 6-12. Virgo Can Meet Her Great Love

After we passed the period full of challenges of the eclipses, Mercury and Venus changed signs this week and caused us to go even more out of our comfort zone.

Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra, its home sign, on November 8, and Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on November 10. All the secrets will now come out. Conversations and connections are no longer discrete and private but take place under everyone’s gaze. But before everything gets too out of control, Mercury forms a square with Saturn on November 10, an aspect that slows down the pace and causes us to think better before saying something we might regret.

Discover the horoscope for the week of November 6-12 for your zodiac sign:


After the sudden conclusion of a contract or commitment in October, you had to move on and had very little time to recover. Venus enters Libra, and your relationship sector, on November 8, and offers you the support you need to overcome this shock. It is an aspect that brings romantic connections or important friendships in your life, as well as favors from clients or close ones.


Venus, the planet that rules your sign, enters Libra and your sector of the daily routine on November 8. It is an aspect that brings you more support in your work schedule, in your fitness routine, and in terms of health in the coming weeks. Your schedule is very busy until the end of the year and it is important to make sure you have time for yourself. Although it is tempting to deal with other people’s problems instead of solving your own, it is preferable to focus on yourself.


The last few weeks have been very hectic for you, and on November 6 you get the recognition you wanted for a creative idea. Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, enters Sagittarius on November 10 and in your relationship sector, which will put more emphasis on others. It is a good time to better define your limits in relationships with the people in your life.


Last month’s eclipses brought conflicts with the owner of your house or office, stress in the family, and work in your neighborhood that seems to never end. Venus enters Libra and your home sector on November 8, which will bring peace and calm back into your life. You will feel better if you dedicate yourself to organizing and redecorating your home.


Recently, you had to make some difficult choices about how and with whom you spend your time. Giving up some relationships that exhaust you brought you a state of relief, but also some regret. Fortunately, Venus enters Libra on November 8 and brings you more joy in your friendships and more fun in your everyday life. You don’t need many friends if the ones you have make you happy.


Love is your main concern during this period. You have been very active in the last weeks, in search of great love, and you have the feeling that you are dreaming when you meet a very special person on November 6. Take advantage of the fact that Venus, the planet of love, spends the last days in your sign and offers you even more charm. Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, enters Sagittarius and your home sector on November 10. Maybe it’s time to invite him to your home and prepare a delicious romantic dinner for the one you’re in love with.


Venus enters your sign on November 8 and brings you more confidence in your abilities. This aspect inspires you to come out of your hibernation period and socialize more, especially after Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 10. It is a perfect influence for a romantic first date, for walks around your neighborhood, and funny discussions on chat groups. It will seem a little strange to be so sociable again, but it will be worth all the effort.


It’s still your season, but after a few weeks of events and meetings, you’re ready to take a step back socially when Venus enters your subconscious sector on November 8. Refuse invitations to parties and instead choose a day at the SPA with your best friend. And romantic life takes a backseat during this period. Concentrate on rest.


In the last weeks, you had many opinions that you refrained from expressing. But that will change radically after Mercury enters your sign, on November 10, and lifts all the filters and barriers you have imposed on yourself. You are ready to say directly what bothers you and surely some people will not be happy about it. In the end, you get what you want and what you like the most: sincerity and authentic communication.


You worked a lot in October and even if your goals and your role are much clearer now, you felt at the same time that you were not appreciated. All this changes when Venus enters your career sector on November 8. You receive compliments from your boss or appreciation from clients. This influence also helps you if you have to give a speech or a presentation, or if you simply want to share your ideas with the rest of the world.


This week you feel like you are back at school and you have to do a group project. The stress is at maximum level and you don’t know if you can trust your colleagues. Instead, you would prefer to do everything alone during this period. Teamwork becomes much easier towards the end of the week when communication improves and you get more inspiration. Try to be more patient and leave your ego aside.


You were stressed about how to recover from a financial point of view after those unforeseen expenses that appeared in October, and this week brings you an unexpected solution. Venus enters Libra and your shared resources sector on November 8. It will bring you the opportunity to take out a loan, refinancing options, or a generous gift that gets you out of a deadlock. This aspect is beneficial at the same time to get more clients, approach investors, and find collaborators who will support you in the coming weeks.

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