Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of January 1-7.

The year 2024 begins with the right. Mercury ends its retrograde movement on January 1 and it is for the first time since 2021 that we start the year with optimism, looking to the future.

The square between Venus and Saturn, on January 1, makes the atmosphere more serious than festive.

Plans take shape on January 4 when Mars, the planet of action, enters the pragmatic sign of Capricorn.

Discover the horoscope for the week of January 1-7 for your zodiac sign:


After a few weeks in which you made plans, gave them up, and then made them again, the return of Mercury in direct motion on January 1st puts you back on the right track. Mars, the planet that rules your sign, leaves Sagittarius and enters the practical sign of Capricorn on January 4, which makes you unstoppable, but also a little intimidating to others.


2024 starts on a productive but melancholic note for you. On the one hand, you have more clarity than ever regarding the direction in which the relationships and situations in your life should go. But on the other hand, it can be painful to give up certain people or certain situations. Focus on the things you’ve learned from these connections, instead of letting yourself get bogged down by regrets.


You start to regain your energy and feel good in your skin again after Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, resumes its direct movement on January 1st. The last few weeks have brought numerous communication problems, especially in your closest relationships, and now you are ready to clear things up. Remember that although Mercury is now direct, the planet of communication is still moving quite slowly, so it will take some time for these resolutions to take effect.


Your plans to get back to your fitness program and healthy lifestyle have been derailed by the holiday season. But after Mercury resumes its direct movement, on January 1st, you are ready to return to your plans, go to the gym, and follow a healthy diet. You must be careful with whom you share these plans, because the entry of Mars into Capricorn on January 4th can bring tension and feedback that is not useful to you.


2024 begins for you with the feeling that you have finally made peace with your approach to dating. Although the holiday vacation brought you some flirtations, you are ready to start the year with a clearer vision related to what you currently want. Mars enters Capricorn on January 4 and encourages you even more to focus on the people and situations that are already in your life.


The stress of spending the holidays with the extended family is finally over. And Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, resumes its direct movement on January 1st and you start to feel good in your skin again. It’s time to come home and regain your personal space. Mars enters Capricorn on January 4 and helps you find creative solutions to older problems.


2024 starts on a bittersweet note for you. Mercury ends its retrograde movement on January 1st and after a few weeks of frenzy, you return to normal in terms of communication – you answer messages and emails and set up a lot of meetings with friends. But with all that, you can’t overlook that someone is missing from your contacts. Sometimes it is necessary to give up certain people to regain your peace.


Mercury resumes its direct movement on January 1st, and this change could make you realize how much you spent during the holiday season. To return to normal, this week you must make a budget and give up certain expenses that are not necessary. Mars, the planet that rules your sign, enters the responsible sign of Capricorn on January 4 and improves your self-confidence and personal power.


Mercury resumes its direct movement in your sign on January 1st and even if it puts an end to the stress related to communication and travel, at the same time you feel the pressure to make up for lost time. There is a lot of attention on you now and even if it is mostly positive, you feel uncomfortable being the center of attention. Find out how you can take control.


2024 begins with Mercury resuming its direct movement on January 1st and even if everything around you seems to return to normal, you are still caught in a permanent turmoil. Things come to a head on January 4, when Mars enters your sign, a transit that brings motivation, but at the same time can create a state of nervousness.


At the beginning of the year, you feel that you have to divide yourself between numerous social obligations, and at the same time, you have the feeling that everything is way too expensive. Give up those things that make you spend more than you would like and try to establish a clear budget for the new year. After Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, all you want is to focus your energy on your own goals and plans.


After you come back from the holidays, the week boils down for you to assume a new leadership position in your team. Mercury resumes its direct movement on January 1 and will improve your communication with your boss. Watch out for conflicts that could arise with some envious colleagues after Mars enters Capricorn on January 4.

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