Zodiac Signs


Hey, aren’t you by any chance with one of the emotionally unavailable zodiac signs? Let’s find out the horoscope ranking today!

There is no need to go around so much: there are people who will never be ready to have a relationship with you.
The reasons can be various but we assure you that if they were born under one of the five zodiac signs of our horoscope ranking today  well, you have nothing (or almost) to worry about.
These zodiac signs simply don’t really want to think about their feelings or connect with them.
Does it seem absurd to you? Well, you haven’t read how far they can go yet! Let’s find out right away together.

The emotionally unavailable zodiac signs: find out if you are in today’s horoscope ranking

Has anyone, perhaps an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, ever told you that you are truly emotionally unavailable?
If it happened to you then, in all likelihood, you will be in today’s horoscope ranking, that of the zodiac signs â€¦ well, emotionally unavailable !

We asked stars and planets to help us draw up a ranking of the coldest signs, emotionally speaking, capable of making anyone feel too ” demanding “.
If you’ve ever felt this way, then maybe you should check out your ex-boyfriends’ zodiac signs. Maybe you just had bad luck, like these zodiac signs who are downright unlucky in love .
(You can also do a double hit if you are on the list of the unlucky and you also have an ex in the list of the worst signs to have as ex boyfriends .)
Let’s find out who is in the ranking today: hey, you are not among them are you?

Aries: fifth place

We are sure that those born under the sign of Aries will be truly amazed to find themselves in today’s ranking.
Yet Aries know how to be particularly detached from their emotions and, therefore, extremely difficult to reach.

Dear Aries , you will have to admit that you can really be very focused only on yourself, right?
Your being emotionally unavailable comes from there. When you don’t feel the center of attention you become cold and intractable. (Which, unfortunately for you and those around you, happens quite often!).

Capricorn: fourth place

Yes, dear Capricorns , we have put you in the ranking of emotionally unavailable zodiac signs… just as you expected!
We have to tell the truth about Capricorns : this is a sign that more than being emotionally unavailable , they seem to be.

The problem is that Capricorns have a lot of emotions but little aptitude to get in touch with them. What first is only a lack of desire to face, however, then becomes habit and finally also attitude. DEAR CAPRICORN , WE ARE TELLING YOU THAT IF YOU DON’T STOP PRETENDING FEELINGS DO N’T EXIST YOU WILL FINALLY BE TRULY EMOTIONALLY INDIFFERENT!

Virgo: third place

Even those born under the sign of Virgo can be emotionally unfriendly, can’t they?
Virgo is a sign that focuses a lot on itself, without thinking too much about others. Why should she do this?

After all, people born under the sign of Virgo are absolutely capable of being alone. They aren’t afraid to wait until they find someone on their level.
If you see them particularly unfriendly it is because those born under the sign of Virgo certainly do not need the feelings of others to move forward in life!

Gemini: second place

Is there anyone more emotionally unavailable than Gemini ? (The answer is evidently yes, since they are  only in second place in today’s horoscope ranking). Geminis
are people who are often criticized for being seen as fickle , self-centered or simply “malignant”.

The reality, which is absolutely not to be looked at in a bad way, is that Gemini is among the most emotionally unavailable zodiac signs .
It is useless to try to force them into a relationship of any kind with you. Gemini will never listen to you !

This is why, more often than not, Gemini behaviors are read as rude or rude. Don’t you know that Gemini is simply on another planet… theirs! There is no room on this planet for the whims, wants or needs of others.
In short, the Gemini have their space and you must not invade it … unless you want to collide with a rubber wall!

Sagittarius: first place in the ranking of emotionally unavailable zodiac signs

Dear Sagittarius, it is really useless for you to make that offended expression. If there is anyone emotionally unavailable in the zodiac, it is you! Sagittarians
are , in fact, extremely independent people … so much so that they are almost frightening!

Sagittarius not only does not need anyone but is also pleased to let all those who want to enter into a relationship with him know.
Dealing with a Sagittarius is  extremely fun but also very difficult. In fact, Sagittarians choose their own path without thinking absolutely of others.

Getting a Sagittarius to fall in love with you is really hard work. They are always emotionally unavailable because they are thinking about themselves!

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