Zodiac Signs


Today we have decided that it is better to find out together which are the most sedentary zodiac signs of the whole horoscope. Aren’t you among them too?

What do you say, are you ready to find out what all those zodiac signs are … with which it is not appropriate to go on vacation together? Come on, we’re kidding: especially if you’re in the top five of today’s ranking ! Let’s find out immediately who is one of those zodiac signs … who would never take off his slippers !

The most sedentary zodiac signs of the whole horoscope: the ranking

There are some people who can’t wait to experience wonderful adventures , climbing the slopes of a mountain or swimming in crystal clear waters.

Well, these  are not  the signs that you will find in the ranking of the most sedentary zodiac signs of the whole horoscope. It would truly be the climax!
Let’s find out who are all those signs with which it is not really appropriate to go on vacation together … unless you like total relaxation !

Aquarius: fifth place

We know very well that Aquarius are people who can embark on an adventure when one least imagines it.
Why, then, do we put them among the most sedentary zodiac signs of the horoscope ?

The answer is simple: if an Aquarius can be made comfortable, we can assure you they will! Aquarians really like to create their own space at home and, then, they really hate having to leave it.

Scorpio: fourth place

But how, those born under the sign of Scorpio , generally so eccentric and enthusiastic, lovers of life… are they sedentary?

The answer is yes: Scorpios are people who absolutely adore comfort. When they find the right formula for them it is impossible to move them!
That’s why, on vacation, with a Scorpio you can experience full-fledged emotions … unless there is a hammock positioned in the right place !

Pisces: third place

For those born under the sign of Pisces there is no doubt: staying at home is the best thing there is to do!

Do not misunderstand us or Pisces : the latter like to go out, go to see exhibitions or stroll in the green. If they can, however, Pisces love to stay in their home . They don’t want the stress of traveling (especially when it comes to travel) with all the problems related to luggage and schedules. Pisces are sedentary because… it’s very comfortable to be!

Cancer: second place

There is little to do: when it comes to “lazing” Cancers are almost at the top of the chart!
Of course: on vacation or when they have time to do everything Cancers would like, there are also moments of desire to do and freedom.

Normally, however, Cancers are absolutely sedentary people. They love to stay at home, in their well-organized nest tailored to their every need.
Why go out, move, worry when you can be at home, happy, content and completely relaxed?
Cancers are like this: they love their own spaces and would never move out of their  comfort zones . Keep this in mind before booking your holiday together!

Taurus: first place in the ranking of the most sedentary zodiac signs of the horoscope

Well yes, dear Taurus, you are at the top of the ranking of the zodiac signs today .
Being sedentary for you is an “extra”, other than a quality to hide!

Taurus are by far the most ” couch potato ” signs of the zodiac because they love to stay at home, with no ifs and buts.
Everyone likes to travel and, therefore, it would be strange to say that Taurus are not of this opinion.
If we are to be honest, however, the Taurus would prefer to any other situation … their own sofa, with the cat nearby and a good book to read between a nap and another.
Hey, nothing wrong with that: embrace your sedentary being, dear Taurus !

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