Zodiac Signs

The Ultimate Aesthetic For Each Zodiac Sign


(March 21st to April 19th)
Bright red lipstick. Moving all of the furniture to dance in the living room. Polarized sunglasses. The way it feels when the beat drops in the middle of a song. Belly laughs. Licking the salt off of the rim of a margarita. Street fairs.


(April 20th to May 21st)
Perfectly potted succulents. Herbal teas. Matching sweaters for the whole family. Messy buns and warm slippers. Long walks through the park in the Spring. Cuddling underneath a blanket with someone you love. Unspoken togetherness.


(May 22nd to June 21st)
Hailing a cab in the middle of a busy street. Dancing until 2 AM. Tattoos. Sharing an earbud with someone in the middle of the train. The feeling of shuffling a brand new deck of cards. Fishnets, ripped jeans, chokers, and everything trendy.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)
Family style dinners. Holding someone’s hand for the first time. A perfectly full moon. Wandering through a bookstore with nowhere you need to be. Staying up late with your best friends and good wine. Feeling the sun on your shoulders in the summer. Fairy lights.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)
A plane ticket taking you away to a two week vacation. Candy jars filled to the top. “I miss you” texts. Brand new jeans that fit perfectly. The smell that a bonfire leaves on your hair the next day. Seeing a show on Broadway. A perfectly poured tap beer.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)
Clawfoot bathtubs. The smell of a freshly laundered and made bed. Lighting a brand new candle. Hearing the crackle of a vinyl record playing. Checking the last thing off of your to do list. Waking up before your alarm and realizing you can sleep a little longer.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)
Buying cotton candy at the fair. Brand new, never-been-worn, sneakers. Introducing friends to each other. Embracing your inner child. Macaroons. Singing along to the radio. A perfectly executed Instagram theme.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)
Stilettos. Mood lighting. Sheer tights with runs going up the thighs. Black coffee. The rush you get from leaning in to whisper something secret into someone’s ear. Fog lingering over a quiet lake in the early morning.


(November 23rd to December 21st)
A one way ticket to a country you’ve never visited. Blowing dandelions into the wind. Staying up all night learning everything about someone. Denim shorts, combat boots, and flannel shirts. Feeling butterflies in your stomach.


(December 22nd to January 20th)
Wayfarer glasses. Always having the latest technology in your hands. Getting your eyeliner to match on the first try. Spearmint. Upgrading your seat when you fly somewhere. Having an impeccable manicure.


(January 21st to February 18th)
Catching someone’s eye from across the room at a party. Seeing a jellyfish in the ocean. Galaxy print. Always having sunglasses on hand. Keeping a journal. Condensation droplets on a cup of iced coffee. The smell of tobacco and leather.


(February 19th to March 20th)
Dipping your toes into a lake or the ocean. Messy hair. Going out for spontaneous dinner dates. Watercolor paints. Acoustic covers of your favorite songs. Cloudy, quiet mornings with your favorite coffee mug.

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