Zodiac Signs

The Three Signs the Stars Prefer in May

Live this period to the fullest and don’t let luck pass you by if you were born in one of these 3 zodiac signs!

The three signs that will enjoy luck with the chariot in May.

Geminis are lucky in love

In the foreground of May is the emotional sector for Gemini. After the New Moon on the 9th, you have energy and an amalgam of intense feelings. Everything you were missing, now you can find it. You love, you smile, you feel that it’s time to leave fun in second place and invest more sentimentally, to get involved, even if you still crave freedom. You can meet people who will lead you to areas you have never flirted with before, but who help you to evolve, to assert yourself. And from a physical point of view, you are fine, your body has an extraordinary power of recovery and regeneration. If you are more sensitive by nature and you easily catch various diseases or symptoms that keep coming back periodically, now you recover in record time.

Virgo feels reborn

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Virgo is the favorite of May. Besides the protection offered by the Sun, the New Moon in Virgo supports any initiative and facilitates any change. So, if for some time you have been waiting for the right moment to travel, to change your job, to lose weight, to love, now is it! No goal seems too high for you. Flair, ambition, and the right attitude bring you everything you want. You work less, but more efficiently, you take care of yourself more and you have time for yourself, for relaxation, pampering, and shopping. You find yourself and feel like a different person. Your romantic life is also going very well, you are supported by your family and happy with the time you spend with your family.

Capricorn receives good news

Good things happen when you least expect them. It is also the case of Capricorn in May, more precisely towards the end of it. Although you went through difficult moments, which discouraged you and completely demoralized you, suddenly you gain strength, hope and the obstacles don’t seem so difficult to overcome anymore. Things that you want from your heart and for which you took some steps a long time ago can take shape during this period. It is most likely news about a trip, a business, an older plan to move, to renovate, to leave the country. The professional life of Capricorns is under the benevolent eye of the stars, and the good decisions you make now will improve your career and image in the long term. You can say it was worth the wait!

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