Zodiac Signs


Is Mercury retrograde? If you are in this ranking, be prepared, May will be full of chaos and confusion for you.

From 10 May 2022 until next 4 June, Mercury will be retrograde, the signs of today’s ranking will be more influenced by it. If you are part of this ranking, we will explain how to deal with this extremely chaotic period.

From May 10, 2022 Mercury started going retrograde. Obviously this is the effect of an optical illusion for which Mercury seems to go backwards but in reality it is not. Astrologically this phenomenon is very significant. When Mercury is retrograde, a troublesome period of confusion reigns. You will have the feeling of living in total chaos, you will be gripped by misunderstandings and forgetfulness . It will be like this for everyone, but for the three signs of this ranking the confusion will amplify but this will happen for a specific reason.

Here are the 3 signs most affected by Mercury retrograde in May 2022

Dramas, misunderstandings, confusion, carelessness, anger are in trend these days? Perhaps you are one of the three zodiac signs that will have the greatest difficulty facing this month of May in terms of communication. Mercury retrograde makes itself felt both professionally and emotionally.

Mercury retrograde is known to do damage. From May 10, Mercury is retrograde in Gemini and it will be until June 4 when it enters Taurus. Mercury rules our ability to communicate, speak or think,   three signs would do better to mentally prepare for this period. They will feel their minds saturated and will have difficulty concentrating, things will not go as usual but everything happens for a specific reason according to the stars.

The signs most affected by Mercury retrograde will be:


Gemini will feel that they have great communication difficulties. He will have the feeling of not being able to expose the thoughts that will remain in the head and will never become words. This period will not be easy, especially on a professional level. This confusion is an opportunity to make a decisive change in your life. If there have been misunderstandings this is the time to clarify them, if you are overloaded with commitments it is time to downsize your workload, if you have started projects it is time to finish them. This chaos pushes you to stop and then start again with greater awareness.


The natives of Vergne are usually neat, well organized and precise but during this time they will seem crazy. You’ll see them squirm, get nervous and snap like springs. This Mercury-led sign may struggle to stay calm and clear-headed. The stars advise to take advantage and meditate. Thanks to the beautiful days of May, take the opportunity to get closer to nature and rediscover contact with yourself. Start again from this new awareness.


We know Pisces, a hypersensitive sign always in agitation and overprotective towards his loved ones. In this period, Pisces will feel that they are unable to give anything to anyone, the stars recommend using this retrograde Mercury to slip through the cracks. The fish should understand how to adapt to new situations that have occurred in his life and not get overwhelmed by changes but use them to embark on new adventures.

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