Love Horoscope for the Week of February 20-26, 2023

The month of love is coming to an end, and love is still high for most zodiac signs. Astrologers announce good news for Dragobete!
As of Sunday, February 19, 2023, important changes are being announced, the effects of which will be felt throughout the week. The sun enters the sign of Pisces, making us more emotional and eager to love and spend time with loved ones.
The new moon in Pisces, which takes place on February 20, is equally important because it helps us to solve older problems. A favorable period for communication begins.
Venus in Aries, from February 20, 2023, brings intense passion, and harmony in the family, but also discussions related to stability, home, and money.
So, let’s turn to intuition in our love story and enjoy every moment spent in the company of our partner. Here’s how the week of February 20-26, 2023 will feel for each zodiac sign:
With Venus in your sign, love blossoms. If you are in a relationship, you will see that the passion between the two of you is at its highest. Prepare something special for Dragobete and spend a lot of time as a couple.
If you are single, don’t throw yourself into the arms of the first person who comes, because physical passion could cloud your judgment. Take advantage of the opportunities that the New Moon in Pisces offers you and spend time with yourself, practice self-love and introspection, to set your priorities.
Venus is the planet that governs you, and now it reaches an area of your chart where it’s about secrets, what to say, and what to keep to yourself. You might learn an important lesson about limits in your personal life. From this incident, it is possible to know that it is not good to open up to anyone and see who is really with you.
In terms of relationships, your focus is more on friendships and new people in your life and less on love. You want to feel unique connections with people, beyond physical attraction and love.
You will not bear to be alone this week, so you will constantly seek the company of people. You may want to spend as much time as possible with your partner, take a day just for yourself, go out on the town, go to a massage, or simply watch movies on Netflix.
If you are alone, meetings with friends might bring you a new person, who will like you. New love relationships are favored now, so you could dare to invite him to town, to see if something is connected between you.
You love with maximum passion and you live life the same way. This week is favorable on a sentimental level because you get along better and better with your life partner. Together you make a team, and communication will help you enormously.
If you are alone, open your wings and show yourself to the world. You feel the need to go out and meet new people, and when you do you will feel special connections with some of them. You might even meet your soul mate!
You are sentimental and emotional, but it is quite difficult for you to discuss this with someone else. You become slightly secretive even with your life partner, and this could disturb him. Take care to be as open as possible and recognize that it is a more sensitive period for you.
Give yourself time to heal old wounds and look a little into the past. What would you like not to repeat, what could you change in the future? It is important to be in touch with your feelings if you want to soothe your soul.
The very good news in terms of relationships! Your feelings will be more intense and, if you are in a relationship, you will be on the same wavelength. You feel things more deeply than usual, so it’s good to allow yourself to give free rein to any emotion. Together with your partner, you reach a level of intimacy that will make you float in the ninth heaven.
It will be a good week whether you are in a relationship or alone. New passions are connected or existing ones are welded. There are proposals to move in together, to travel, or even marriage proposals.
You receive a magical energy for your love relationship – there will be butterflies in your stomach and declarations of loyalty and devotion. You feel closer than ever to your partner, and the confirmations you receive from him help you to trust your relationship.
However, if you are alone, things are not as rosy. You might feel a little overwhelmed by the situation and disappointed. You need a little time to gather and be alone or with a good friend. Be gentle with yourself and work on self-esteem and self-love, to learn to put yourself first in your future relationship.
You make a change to your physical appearance and this gives you a much better mood! You feel like flirting and feeling admired. The problem is that you might have this desire even if you are in a relationship, and your partner doesn’t like it. Be careful not to hurt his feelings and show him that you choose him.
This desire to be admired and appreciated may have deeper roots in your soul. Give yourself understanding and empathy to discover the emotions that brought you to this point.
Venus brings an interesting mix between business and pleasure. You might fall in love at work. New opportunities appear in your personal life and it would be good to enjoy them because they will make you happy. If you already have a partner, make sure you spend enough time together.
Also, this week it will be about the family. You can get closer to them, share secrets or resolve conflicts.
Venus reaches an interesting point on your map at the beginning of the week. It is about the sector that targets the roots, the deep connections you have in your family. It can also be about the connection between you and your partner, which becomes almost spiritual. A good period for conception, pregnancy, and everything related to the child. If you already have children, the bonds with them will be stronger, you will want to spend time in their company and they will charge you with energy.
You are the most advantageous sign this week and you have a lot of passion in your life.
Venus targets the money sector, so discussions with your loved one will focus on this topic. Either you are already preparing for changes in your home, for example, or you spontaneously decide that you need something quite expensive – a piece of furniture or even a car. The couple will certainly talk a lot about comfort, home optimization, and pragmatic issues.
As for single people, this week brings an unexpected passion. If you meet someone, expect it to be an adventure with a lot of pathos. Attention is not necessarily something lasting.
The season of your zodiac sign begins, and with the Sun in your sign and the New Moon in Pisces, you will enjoy extraordinary relaxation. It’s as if all worries disappear and you learn to enjoy the beautiful things that life offers you. It can also mean a new beginning for you, either in terms of love or simply in a personal area that you have been avoiding.
This week you can resolve older conflicts or repair ties that have been broken. It may be about meeting friends from your past or reconciling with family members.