Horoscope For The Week Of July 10-16. Aquarius Gets His Life In Order

Mercury, the planet of communication, will have the main role in our lives this week.
It forms an aspect that urges us to investigate, on July 10, and another that leads to predestined meetings, on July 11.
Also, Mercury leaves the nostalgic sign of Cancer and enters the fire sign of Leo on July 11. It is the moment when we give up the poetic declarations of love and passionately proclaim our desire.
On July 10, Mars enters the sign Virgo, an aspect that helps us put our plans in order and eliminate what does not bring us joy. The Sun forms an aspect with Uranus on July 14 and brings us the opportunity to try new things.
Discover the horoscope for the week of July 10-16 for your zodiac sign:
It’s time to renew your subscription to the fitness room. Mars, the planet that rules your sign, enters Virgo and your sector of the daily routine on July 10, for the first time since September 2021. If that was the last time you made a plan to move more or take more care of your body, history repeats itself. If you are bored of your usual routine, it is time to make a change.
Mars enters Virgo on July 10 and if it inspires some to clean their house, it inspires you to clean your dating list. Those with whom you have fun can stay, but the people you keep around you just out of habit can leave. If romantic meetings are the last thing on your mind right now, the next few weeks are excellent for starting a new artistic project or spending more time with your children.
Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, enters Leo and your communication sector on July 11. This means that this week you are ready to initiate some discussions. You are not the type of person to keep quiet, but in recent weeks you have had a more contemplative attitude. The discussions with some close friends, from the beginning of the week, give you interesting ideas not only for what you can do this weekend but also for what you can do to improve the quality of your life in general.
Do not forget that it is still your season. This week starts in a dreamy tone. You feel inspired to travel, gain new knowledge, or teach others. Whether you plan a trip, read a book, or watch an interesting movie, you discover many opportunities to broaden your horizons. Also, you feel much more sociable and friendly and it is possible to organize a party or a meeting on the weekend.
Mercury enters your sign on July 11 and urges you to communicate and support your ideas and plans. The problem is not to convince others that you are strong. Everyone already thinks you are. The goal is to convince yourself that you are strong, taking on your ideas. Take advantage of the unexpected opportunities that appear this week because they can lead to long-term commitments.
This summer you have to find a balance between what is meant for you and the things you have to give up. You will feel very motivated because Mars, the planet of action, will be in your sign for six weeks. At the same time, Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, will enter your subconscious sector on July 11. In the coming weeks, some of the best ideas will come to you when you least expect them.
For you, Cancer season is the time of the year when you are most visible. It brings you major changes in your career, recognition from your boss, and congratulations even from your rivals. However, you are not sure if you are on the right path. This week brings you the opportunity to think about things differently and will help you realize where you are currently and where you want to go from a professional point of view.
In the last few weeks, you have made some important decisions for your career. Mars enters Virgo and your community sector on July 10 and gives you the chance to connect more easily with others, so that you can get what you want. In the next six weeks, the best opportunities for you will come through friends and supporters.
Mars enters your career sector and brings to the surface some tensions you felt in the relationship with your boss or an overly authoritarian colleague. If you’ve been thinking about making a change, now is the perfect time. Mercury urges you to spend more time looking for courses to start or places to visit. Talk about your needs, but be careful not to hurt anyone’s feelings in the process.
It is the beginning of a new era for your relationships. This time of the year is for you the one in which you focus the most on other people. You will spend beautiful moments with important people in your life. Mercury enters Leo and will bring some power struggles in the coming weeks. At the same time, it removes your fear of talking about sensitive matters, which will help you get even closer to some people.
For you, this week boils down to getting your life in order and giving up everything that doesn’t work. It is not at all easy, but it is necessary. Whether you are paying off a significant debt, dealing with family conflicts, or having a serious discussion with your partner about sharing responsibilities, you will feel relieved to take a burden off your shoulders. Reward yourself for having the courage to face these negative situations.
This week, give yourself space to explore your creativity. You spend so much time taking care of others that you forget to do what you want. It’s time to enjoy your passions and the small pleasures of life. Try not to compare your version of happiness with someone else’s. Be grateful for what you have and remember that many would like to be in your place.