Horoscope For The Week Of April 17-23

This week, on April 20, there is a solar eclipse in Aries, one of the most important astrological aspects of this year.
It is the first eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis in recent years and will start a two-year period (until March 2025) in which we will oscillate between independence and unity.
The Sun enters Taurus on the same day, but because of the solar eclipse, it will not be a regular Taurus season. Eclipses bring sudden beginnings or endings, upsets or joys, and success or disappointments. Furthermore, Mercury will enter its retrograde period on April 21, in the sign of Taurus. When things seem chaotic, all you can do is accept that change is the only constant.
Discover the horoscope for the week of April 17-23 for your zodiac sign:
The solar eclipse in your sign on April 20 marks the beginning of a new era for you in terms of your image and identity. Mercury retrograde begins on April 21 and allows you to evaluate your schedule, obligations, and routine, as well as how all this affects your expenses.
The solar eclipse on April 20 starts an existential crisis for you. Instead of getting stuck in what you can’t control, learn to trust the way the Universe guides you. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in your sign on April 21 and make you analyze your needs and desires in the coming weeks.
The solar eclipse on April 20 will create a new dynamic for you in terms of friendships, the community, and the social networks you are part of. Get ready for a season of interesting changes in your social life, which will influence not only your schedule but also your visions and dreams. Mercury retrograde begins on April 21st in your subconscious sector and will emphasize the importance of introspection as your social life develops.
The solar eclipse on April 20 starts a very interesting period for your career. It’s not just a specific moment, but the beginning of two years marked by growth and change regarding your public image. Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 21, allows you to reflect in the next two weeks on how you keep up with your social obligations, while also keeping time for yourself.
In the next two years, there will be some important changes in your outlook on life, brought about by the solar eclipse on April 20. In about a year, it is possible to find yourself in situations that broaden your horizons, be it studies, travels, or spiritual practices. Mercury retrograde begins on April 21 and urges you to think about the resources you have at your disposal to turn your dreams into reality.
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The solar eclipse on April 20 will start a long-term stage of emotional and financial clarification. Until April next year, you will solve some money-related situations and free yourself from some secrets. Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 21, allows you to slow down and analyze how your values are reflected by your identity and career.
The solar eclipse in Aries will bring a major turning point in your closest relationships. Although you were lucky enough to form connections with such interesting people in the last year, now things are going to get even more interesting. Mercury retrograde begins on April 21st in your sector of common resources and makes you think about what exactly prevents you from getting those partnerships you dream of.
Health will be your main concern in the next two years, after the solar eclipse in Aries on April 20. You try to do everything at the same time, but you can’t move forward without taking care of yourself. Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 21, causes you to focus on how you put the needs of others before your own. Sometimes it’s easier to help, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your problems forever.
The solar eclipse on April 20 will bring a new stage in your sexual life. Whether you’re going on several dates, planning to get pregnant, or bringing passion back into your relationship, be prepared to try new things. Mercury retrograde begins on April 21 and urges you to find ways to bring more pleasure and joy into your everyday life.
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The solar eclipse in Aries is the beginning of a new era in terms of your family life or your home. Maybe you are ready to become a mother, to move back to your hometown, or to change your home. Whatever the situation, things will be completely different by the same time next year. Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 21, will cause you to analyze how you can better balance work, fun, and the fulfillment of long-term plans.
The solar eclipse on April 20 will bring changes in your close relationships. You will have many surprises, some pleasant, others less pleasant. Mercury retrograde will be in your home sector starting on April 21 and urges you to focus on the dynamics in your family and your personal life.
There is a two-year period in which you will focus more on your finances. The solar eclipse in Aries will bring to your attention not only your income and financial resources but also the objects or properties you own. Mercury retrograde starts on April 21 and urges you to free up your space so that you can focus more on new projects.