Horoscope For September 2023. Cancer Gets Rid Of Financial Stress, And Gemini Solves Family Problems

After a July full of challenges and a complicated August, the month of September brings us a touch of peace and relief. It will include some of the best astral aspects of 2023.
Venus ends its retrograde movement on September 3 and allows us to set up everything related to our sentimental life, style choices, and creative projects.
The beneficial aspects between Venus and Jupiter make the first weeks of this month full of positive vibrations.
Only Mercury retrograde gives us a little trouble until September 15, when it resumes its direct movement. The new moon in Virgo, on September 14, urges us even more to reorganize, an important theme of this period.
Libra season begins on September 23, and the full moon in Aries on the 29th pushes us from behind to act with courage and confidence to get what we want.
Discover the September horoscope for your zodiac sign:
Mars, the planet that rules your sign, will be in Libra, your opposite sign, throughout September, and your usual impulsive behavior will be replaced by the desire to consider a second or even a third opinion before acting. It is possible to overwork yourself during this period, but the full moon in your sign, on September 29, helps you regain strength. The new moon in Virgo, on September 14, illuminates your need to bring a change in your daily routine and it is even possible to look for a new job.
You will feel relieved when Venus, the planet that rules the sign, resumes its direct movement on September 3. This summer brought you many revelations about your home, family, or your past. Even if there is still a lot to process, you feel less stuck in the past and more excited about the future. Change has been a constant in your life lately (although you don’t like change at all), and you have found your refuge in nostalgia. The month of September allows you to return to your usual routine and feel better in your skin. The risks you took at the beginning of the summer will pay off now, especially on September 17 and 29.
Things are finally starting to take shape for you. It is not a dramatic end to an issue that is dissatisfying you, but rather a subtle closure that allows you to move on. Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, is retrograde in your private life sector until September 15 and urges you to return to unfinished family dramas, and projects related to the house or to get rid of some emotional baggage from the past that prevents you from evolving. You will experience a change and more clarity after September 6, and on the 25th, when Mercury forms an aspect with Jupiter, you are ready to look to the future.
Venus resumes its direct movement and puts an end to the financial stress that you have been facing since the end of July. The full moon in Aries, on September 29, brings you the recognition you wanted and deserve in your career. At the same time, Mercury retrograde causes all kinds of delays and communication problems until September 15. Mars will be in Libra all month and in your sector of the house somewhere it brings conflicts and tense situations.
For you, September is the month to celebrate. If others are facing romantic or financial problems, you focus more on self-rediscovery. Venus, which resumes its direct movement on September 3, brings you a change of look, a new perspective in life, or new interesting opportunities in your career. You may face some money-related confusion on September 19, when the sun forms an aspect with Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusions. After the Libra season begins, on September 23, you enter one of the busiest, but pleasant, periods of the year for you. It will be full of meetings with friends, events in your community, or new passions to dedicate yourself to.
September is usually the month when you feel down to earth and in your element, but this year you feel like you are in a review period. Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, is retrograde in your sign until September 15 and forces you to analyze your identity and self-image. You have to discover what is important to you and what exactly you did just to integrate yourself into someone else’s story. You will get clarity after September 6. Mercury forms a connection with Jupiter on September 4 and 25 and urges you to explore. Whether you’re planning a trip, going back to school, or paying more attention to your spirituality, a new world is waiting to be discovered.
Venus, the planet that rules your sign, resumes its direct movement on September 3rd and helps you get back on the ground. All the changes that took place in the plan of your friendships this summer are starting to stabilize. You will have more opportunities to connect with interesting people, but also to give up friends and relationships that drain your energy. Your new social group will define both your image and your dreams for the future, and as your season approaches, on September 23, you will feel better and better in your skin, as you haven’t felt in a long time. time. September also brings you relief from a financial point of view, because you will be able to pay a debt that is weighing you down.
For you, the month of September means freeing your mind and working behind the curtain to set up everything that is not visible. Mars, the planet that rules your sign, will be in Libra and your subconscious sector all month. It is an astral aspect that gives you either a meditative state or a state of anxiety, depending on the circumstances in which you find yourself. Venus resumes its direct movement on September 3 and allows you to advance in your search for a new job or with the presentations you have to make. And Jupiter, which begins its retrograde movement on September 4, slows down a little the pace of your relationship, which you felt accelerated almost all year.
For you, the month of September primarily means maintenance. Jupiter, the planet that rules your sign, begins its retrograde movement on September 4 and gives you hints that you need to slow down and focus on your health and daily routine. The month of July brought you some major tensions in the balance between your professional and personal life, and in August, you discovered new ways to explore in terms of travel, education, or spirituality. Now is the time to incorporate everything you have learned into your everyday life. You will have many connections this month, but what you thought was a flirt could become more of a business opportunity both on September 4th and on September 25th.
After a summer full of conflicts, power struggles, and complicated romantic situations in which you were included against your will, you enjoy the calm and quiet atmosphere of autumn. Venus retrograde has exhausted you, and now you’re excited to focus on simple things like organizing your wardrobe or getting your kids ready for school. Mars is in your career sector all month and inspires you to dream of a new job or another position. After Libra season begins on September 23, you’ll have a clearer idea of what you need to move forward.
This month you focus more than ever on your goal. Throughout this year, you saved and gave up different temptations because you wanted to save with a clear goal. But whatever this big dream of yours is and however excited you are, it is preferable to weigh all the options before signing an agreement. It is better to postpone signing any contract until after September 15, when Mercury resumes its direct movement. You will have a clearer vision and avoid the risk of making a major mistake.
The month of September begins on a melancholy note for You may still be under the influence of the full moon in your sign, which took place on August 30. This year has been an excellent one for you in terms of taking control of your physical and mental health, regaining strength, and reaching a new point of maturity. You went through a lot, but you made it. Jupiter retrograde, starting on September 4th, shows you how much abundance you have gained in your world this year. This month you will enjoy a rich harvest either literally or in the form of small blessings such as nice meetings with friends, pleasant trips, or moments spent with loved ones.