Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Make The Most Demanding Partners

Some relationships are calm and easy, floating along with a partner who fits along with everything you’re about. They’re dependable, comfortable, and make you feel amazing. Then there are the other relationships–the ones with a bit of drama thanks to the demanding nature of your partner. Whether it’s perfectionism or emotional attachment, these partners always keep you guessing. Honestly, there’s merit to both kinds of relationships. After all, it’s nice to feel challenged every once in a while. If you choose one of these three zodiac signs, get ready for demanding partners. Your relationship may not be smooth sailing 24/7, but it’ll be interesting.


Cancers are empathetic and emotional partners. They aren’t just especially attuned to their emotional depths, but they’re also keenly aware of the feelings of those around them. That means that dating a Cancer requires a demand for deeper attention than you’d get with other signs. A Cancer partner will demand attention when they want to share their complex emotions, and they’ll also demand you share with them when they sense that you’re feeling something yourself. If you date a Cancer, make sure you’re cool with lots of communication.


Virgos are known for being absolute perfectionists. Although they might argue with that term–they just like to figure out the best way to do something–the truth is that they put incredibly high standards on themselves. But those standards don’t end with them. A self-assured Virgo will demand high standards from their partner, too. A Virgo partner will demand a similar level of perfectionism from their partner that they demand of themselves, which can be overwhelming for people who like to keep things casual and spontaneous. If you date a Virgo, make sure you’re cool with going along with their plans.


Scorpios are a wonderful and confusing sign. They are equal parts mysterious and demanding. They’re the divas of the zodiac, wanting attention, but only on their terms. And those terms are usually to be lavished with attention and praise while not opening themselves up to vulnerability. A Scorpio partner will demand a level of attention from their partner that may be too much for some of the more independent signs of the zodiac. If you date a Scorpio, make sure that you’re ready to put them on the pedestal they’ve already erected for themselves.

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