Zodiac signs that take the first step in a relationship in 2022

Most of the time, someone needs to take the first step in order for a relationship to take root.
Love at first sight, when both partners are immediately on the same wavelength, is very rare. Relationships are usually the result of boldness – someone needs to take their heart in their teeth and take the first step. It is an assumed risk, but only those who do not try do not win, and luck, but also love, is with the brave. These signs are not afraid to take the first step in a relationship:
Capricorns are not used to waiting for someone to approach them. People in this sign tend to know at first glance if they are interested in someone, so they do not like to waste time. If a Capricorn drew you, you’ll find out right away.
Sagittarius likes to hunt, but he also knows that someone has to start. So start making some jokes and hints that may seem subtle to some, but if you spend enough time with a Sagittarius, you’ll notice that he soon becomes bolder. This sign has a natural connection with many people and does not like to miss any opportunity, so do not hesitate to take the first step if you are interested in a relationship.
He likes to throw his head forward in any situation and he will do it even if he is interested in someone. His enthusiastic personality allows him to make the first move without looking desperate. Aries refuses to sit down and hang out – preferring instead to face life and try his luck.
Leo can act in both directions – he likes to be courted, but he also wants to get what he wants. He is taking the first step and expects to be followed. If he is attracted to someone, he makes sure that person realizes that.
It may seem like a reserved sign, but Taurus is not afraid to approach a person he is attracted to. However, he is not the type to get involved and stand out. The bull takes a break to make sure that if he takes this step, he is the right one. When he comes to the conclusion that the person being pursued is worth the time and effort, then he takes the initiative.
Gemini is not afraid to establish a relationship with someone if that person meets their criteria. They can act immediately if they are interested in the person they are talking to. They are not afraid to flirt or even ask for a date, hoping that maybe something long will come of it. The twins, however, tend to start some things without even continuing, so you will have to keep up if you want the situation to move forward.