Astrology: discover the most suitable drink for you for winter Sundays.
After long autumn, the first colds have now reached everyone, forcing most people to bring out scarves and coats to cope with the typical temperatures of winter days. In addition to the cold, however, winter has many other things to give such as moments to spend in the warmth with those you love, the pleasure of a hot meal, and, why not, a drink to sip in total tranquility, carving out a moment special and comfortable. Since sometimes choosing what to drink when it comes to iced teas and slushes can be difficult, today, after seeing which are the zodiac signs that will soon learn to have more self-confidence and which ones they always know are in love, we will try to find out what can be the ideal drink this winter for each zodiac sign. In this way, perhaps, even spending a gray Sunday can be relaxing because it is done with a different mood and with the simple desire to relax alone or in the company of those you love.
Winter 2022: here is the perfect Sunday drink for every zodiac sign
Aries – An Orange Infusion
For those born under the sign of Aries, saying goodbye to summer is so traumatic that even in the middle of winter they can feel nostalgic for it. For a Sunday to spend without regrets, the most suitable drink for them is a good orange tea. Its citrusy flavor will give them the scent of summer, catapulting them towards memories that they still feel present and warming them at the same time. It is also a drink capable of instilling energy and that goes well with their nature always active and ready to trigger them towards every little novelty. Alone or in the company, sipping it on a winter afternoon will comfort them at least in part of the many spots of rain.
Taurus – A hot chocolate with cream
Taurus natives love everything that is gluttonous and what is better than a good hot chocolate with cream to make you spend a quiet Sunday? If you feel like it, you could opt to enrich everything with a cake to prepare at home. In this way, the home environment will smell good and will be more comfortable, especially if you plan to host relatives or friends. A way like any other to turn a normal Sunday afternoon into something special and one that can warm the heart.
Gemini – Hot white chocolate
For those born under the sign of Gemini, winter is a season capable of transmitting mixed emotions. If on the one hand, they like some aspects such as the arrival of Christmas, the snow and everything that can bring something new to their days, on the other hand, they believe it is a relatively long period and therefore they are often to fear. For them, being able to drink a different drink than usual is, therefore, a great option. White-hot chocolate is therefore the right alternative, able to make their dream and warm them, at the same time taking them by the throat. In this way, even the longest days will be able to pass more peacefully.
Cancer – Warm milk with cinnamon
The natives of Cancer love everything that they know about cuddling and that somehow manages to remind them of the childhood to which they always remain deeply attached. For this reason, when winter arrives, their quiet afternoons cannot miss an excellent cup of hot milk sprinkled with lots of cinnamon. It is a mix of aromas and flavors that knows how to give them a sense of peace, perfect to make even the grayest days brighter. Even better if you add some homemade biscuits to everything, another reference to childhood and the desire to live special moments both alone and in the company of the people they love.
Leo – A classic tea
Those born under the sign of Leo do not like to get lost in moments of tranquility but prefer to live every possible moment. For them, therefore, even on the driest and wettest Sunday, there will always be something that can be done to pass the time. If they are among friends, however, they can take things more relaxed. A classic tea may be right for them. It is something simple, to be made to last as long as you want and to be able to drink both at home and the bar. The right drink for those who are always on the go and need a little break in which to relax but not too much, thus taking advantage of the theine present for an extra dose of energy.
Virgo – A coffee
Virgo natives do not like to get lost in moments of relaxation and are not used to indulging in pampering. Unless you want to change your way of doing things, therefore, the classic coffee can be the ideal drink for those who like to always feel on the spot and spend the rainy days exactly as they would with the sunnier ones. It doesn’t matter if it’s Sunday and if those around them would like something special to experience. For them, the most important thing is to keep up with their commitments. The ultimate in pampering? Chocolate to accompany and sweeten their coffee.
Libra – Green tea
Those born under the sign of Libra live the winter with extreme tranquility, aware that it is a season of the year like any other and which can be enjoyed in different aspects. When a gloomy Sunday arises, therefore, an excellent green tea can be the best choice of all as it is hot at the right point and at the same time healthy and consequently able to leave room for some sweets to be consumed without feeling guilty. For them, setting up an elegant table to invite their friends is child’s play and green tea certainly goes well with their idea of elegance which often also requires a pinch of particularity. The same one that this warm and pleasant drink can guarantee on their coldest days.
Scorpio – Matcha latte
The natives of Scorpio love particular flavors. Loving winter and not drawing rainy days, the only thing they lack for a relaxing afternoon is a pleasant drink to sip that knows how to be both greedy and healthy. Matcha latte can be the right compromise, especially if made at home and from known and certainly healthier ingredients. In this way, they will be able to take care of themselves, without putting aside the taste and savoring something that can warm them and allow them to enjoy the moment whether it is an hour in front of their favorite series or a chat with the people they love.
Sagittarius – Long coffee with cream
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius always need that extra touch that makes them feel different and a little crazy. For this reason, when it comes to choosing a drink for their winter Sundays, it is always better to go for something different like, for example, a long coffee to be enriched with cream. In this way, they will feel satisfied with themselves and satisfied by the sweet taste of the cream which will at least partially mitigate the more bitter taste of the coffee. A perfect drink to take as an interlude on one of their busy days or spent out with friends. Because, needless to say, the natives of the sign are certainly not people who fear rain and beyond the weather, as far as possible, they will always try to go around both alone and in the company.
Capricorn – The barley drink
Those born under the sign of Capricorn are always so active that taking yet another coffee is never recommended. At the same time, they are not people who like to stop for a drink that can relax and for this reason, the best compromise for them can be that of a barley-based drink, able to not excite them more but without giving them the idea of having granted who knows what break. Because let’s face it, the natives of this sign have serious difficulty in accepting the mere idea of stopping and this regardless of the moments. Even the wettest Sunday afternoon is therefore a day for them to do something useful.
Aquarius – A hazelnut coffee
Those born under the sign of Aquarius love to get noticed without leaving their usual routine. For this reason, if they are in the middle of a rainy Sunday in which to take a little break, their perfect choice may be a hazelnut coffee. These are usually drinks found in bars but which with a little imagination can also be recreated at home. For sure, they will be happy to order something different from the others, thus always showing themselves a little over the top and all without distorting. In doing so, their little break will certainly be pleasant and able to cheer them up.
Pisces – A good cappuccino
The natives of Pisces love to surround themselves with beautiful things and pleasant moments to always carry in their hearts. When Sunday arrives, therefore, if there is also cold and rain, they are more than ever predisposed to something warm but also comfortable. A frothed cappuccino perhaps with the addition of cocoa powder can be the ideal drink. Not too heavy but neither what they drink every day and, consequently, a good way to pass the time, perhaps just watching the falling rain. A cappuccino in the company, especially with a loved one, will be the practically perfect break for them.