Which Love Quote Suits You, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

Each zodiac sign experiences the feeling of love differently, depending on the experiences it has gone through and its temperament.
Some natives are romantic, so they involve body and soul in a relationship, while others have volcanic personalities or are colder.
Read what love quotes are based on the characteristics of the zodiac signs and what the representatives should learn from them!
Aries – “I had gotten rid of what I hated, but I hadn’t discovered what and where I could love, so I pretended that love was nowhere to be found.” John Fowles
Aries do not easily forget betrayals in love, even if they manage to eliminate their resentments. A void in their soul cannot be filled easily, so they prefer not to look for love anymore, but to look at everything with distrustful eyes. However, they should be patient because this feeling can creep into their heart when they least expect it.
Taurus – “Prudence and love are not made for each other; when love grows, prudence weakens.” At Rochefoucauld
Taurus representatives get involved in a sentimental relationship, but only when they are sure that the person in question deserves all their trust. Maybe this is the reason why they don’t have many relationships during their life. However, love sometimes makes them forget their principles.
Gemini – “To love is not to look at each other, but to both look in the same direction.” Antoine de Saint Exupery
The natives of this sign are not among the people who make decisions easily, on the contrary. Now they want to enter into a relationship, and after ten minutes they change their mind and postpone making the final decision. The same is the case when they already have a partner, often risking to take this one out of the water.
Cancer – ” True love is the only weapon that man needs to win any battle and to overcome any obstacle, no matter how imposing it may be.” Stanciu Valentin
If they have the right partner with them, Cancers don’t need anything else. The more loved and safer they feel in a relationship, the more prepared they are to face all the obstacles sprinkled in their path by destiny.
Leo – ” To love or to be loved does not mean to occupy a place in someone’s heart, but to create a place there that no one can occupy .” Anonymous author
This is one of the love quotes that suits the Leo natives the most. In love, as in any other field, they feel the need to have all the attention. But maybe instead of waiting to receive everything from the other, he should think about how he could become the most important person in his life.
Virgo – “The more you judge, the less you love.” Honore de Balzac
It is no longer a surprise to anyone that people born under the influence of this zodiac sign tend to criticize those around them, especially their partner. They believe that it helps him develop and change for the better, while he feels less and less loved every day.
Libra – ” In love, you don’t dare to take risks because you are afraid of losing everything.” And yet you have to move forward, but who can say how far?” Blaise Pascal
Lovers of harmony and balance, Libras are often afraid to take risks in life because they don’t know where that road will take them. Before getting involved even more in a relationship, I feel the need for insurance. But who can offer something like that in love? And can those who do it guarantee their feelings for the rest of their lives?
Scorpio – ” The first step of love is respecting the freedom of the neighbor .” Ieronim Tamas
It is difficult for Scorpio representatives to imagine that their partner also needs freedom. Their passionate and intense way of loving almost becomes suffocating for their partner, even more so if it frequently involves scenes of jealousy.
Sagittarius – ” Love is not a bargain: I love you because you love me.” Love is a certainty: I love you because I love you!” Liviu Rebreanu
Sagittarians hardly accept the fact that the person they fell in love with might not have the same feelings for them. But, as the quote above says, love is not a bargain, but a certainty. You love or not without constraints of any kind.
Capricorn – ” It is better to love and lose, than not to have loved at all.” Alfred Tennyson
Capricorns hate nothing in the world more than failure, regardless of its nature. But, before letting themselves be overwhelmed by disappointment and completely closing the doors of their hearts to love, natives must look at breakups as life lessons.
Aquarius – “You never know for sure when you start to love, but you know for sure when you stop loving.” Anonymous author
Aquarians fall in love without asking too many questions and without setting limits. It’s all or nothing with them. Love engulfs them in a flash, but it leaves them just as quickly, and in the end, I know for sure that it’s over because the collapse of reality is extremely painful sometimes.
Pisces – ” Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez
Pisces are sensitive creatures, considering that they need love more than anyone. The quotes suitable to their zodiac sign urge them to look at disappointments with different eyes and to enjoy more for the experiences they have lived, otherwise, they will easily fall into depression, forgetting the meaning of life.