Zodiac Signs


According to astrologers, each zodiac sign could be associated with a Disney Princess based on its instinctive characteristics.

We all grew up listening to Disney fairy tales and every little girl in us has always had her favorite princess in her heart. What was yours? Which princess did you prefer to dress up as Carnival? Find out if this preference has to do with your astrological sign.

Like all women in the world, Disney Princesses also have a date of birth and celebrate their birthdays. These Princesses may have a lot in common with you and look a lot more like you than you think. Find out which Disney Princess you are according to your astrological sign.

Find out which Disney Princess you are based on your zodiac sign


Aries women are very sociable, loving with a great sense of duty that drives them to go out of their way to ensure the well-being of others. Your Disney Princess is the one who taught us to go beyond appearances and not to judge the physical appearance but the personality of individuals. It’s her, Belle, de la Beauty and the Beast!


Women who are native to Taurus are romantic and often resigned. For them, the most important thing is the family and in honor of the family, they are willing to do anything. Did you understand who your Disney princess is? Her kindness makes her loved by everyone and this attracts the envy and jealousies of people. Your Disney Princess is Cinderella! She taught us that if you are not willing to risk happiness, it may never come.


Stubborn, courageous, stubborn, protective, and alternately soft and characteristic, this Disney princess has bitten and knows how to blow hot and cold. Mulan is one of the strongest Disney princesses. He knows what he wants and gives himself the means to achieve his goals. When she has an idea in mind, nothing and no one can stop her.


The Cancer woman is independent, determined, and knows how to be successful in life. The Cancer woman is always on the cutting edge and is modern. Princess Tiana (The Princess and the Frog) is your Disney Princess. Tiana taught us to take the reins of power in our lives and to believe with our whole being in dreams and to find ways to make them real.


The Leo woman is very sensual, sincere, and loyal. A woman with these characteristics cannot leave indifferent the heart of a nobleman, like Hercules. Your Disney Princess is Megara, she taught us to take care of the external beauty but also of the internal one as well as to make us understand the meaning of sacrifice. Once this woman has chosen a side she is no longer influenced.


The Virgo woman is naive, good, feminine, and very sweet. A description that perfectly embodies Aurora, the princess from La Beauty asleep in the woods, one of Disney’s most famous fairy tales. Her innocence made her vulnerable. This Princess taught us not to trust everyone in life. The Virgo woman should learn to be less sensitive.


The Princess who embodies this zodiac sign has very long hair and extreme vitality. Princess Rapunzel perfectly embodies the joy of life of the Libra woman, never willing to give up, to give up her dreams or her hope. Princess Rapunzel taught us to take courage to leave our comfort zone and embrace the vastness of the world. She put herself on the line and decided not to be ruled by fear.


The Scorpio woman is certainly very confident and very proud. She is willing to put everything on the line for love and friendship just like Princess Jasmine did. This princess taught us values ​​such as loyalty. She can be trusted without hesitation.


Stubborn, proud but so loving, the Sagittarius woman is an adventurer, she loves to travel, experience adventures, discover new people and places. Just like Pocahontas has adventure in his blood. For you, comparing yourself with other cultures is exciting. Pocahontas taught us to have the courage to believe in our principles and values ​​at the expense of everything. To go against our parents’ wishes if necessary. The ultimate prize is highly coveted, enjoying a life full of joy.


Very cold and determined, the Capricorn woman hides a tender and very sensitive heart. Very attached to her values ​​but also willing to question everything for love, just like Princess Jane, Tarzan, and Jane. Leave a life as a queen to lead a life of simplicity to enjoy the true joys of life.


No Princess perfectly embodies the Aquarius woman like Snow White. Snow White loves her freedom very much. She has a sensitive soul, she is always willing to help others, especially the weakest. It is very linked to nature and animals. He places his trust in everyone, he does not deny it to anyone but he has taught us that the world is not inhabited only by good creatures.


The Pisces woman never gives up dreaming of her life. She is very creative, brave, and rebellious just like Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Ariel taught us the beauty of the unknown, the spirit of adventure, he taught us to look for the right person for us even if to do so you have to go to the other side of the world. Finding a mate who loves you and values ​​you come at a high price but is worth paying for.

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