Which Astrological Generation Do You Belong To?

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In general, astrology is perceived as a tool that provides relevant esoteric information about a particular person. But with the help of astrology, political and socio-economic events were also predicted. Transpersonal planets are involved in these laborious calculations. In this article, we present to Kudika readers a combination of that part of astrology that deals with the study of the astral chart of people with the part that deals with politics and macroeconomic and social events, focusing on the influence of the planet Pluto.
In general, astrology is perceived as a tool that provides relevant esoteric information about a particular person. But with the help of astrology, political and socio-economic events were also predicted. Transpersonal planets are involved in these laborious calculations. In this article, we present to Kudika readers a combination of that part of astrology that deals with the study of the astral chart of people with the part that deals with politics and macroeconomic and social events, focusing on the influence of the planet Pluto.
In the previous articles in this section (see karma and destiny) you were able to understand the fact that man is not born into a family by chance. In this article you will discover the fact that man is not born by chance, even in a certain society or time period. As “everything is in part and part is in all”, so each person has his well-established place in a certain generation, depending on his energy vibration (his karma) and thus contributes to the development of mankind.
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The generation with the planet Pluto in the sign of Leo
The generation between the ages of 52-71: those born between October 7, 1937 – November 26, 1937; August 4, 1938 – October 19, 1956; January 16, 1957 – August 18, 1957;
Characteristics of the generation: The discrepancy between this generation and the previous one, with Pluto in Cancer, is very large, because, if those with Pluto in Cancer carried the traditions forward, those with Pluto in Leo, a sign that does not tolerate domination or guidance, quickly impose their authority in front of their parents and do what they want: set new values! They fight against the conservatism of the previous generation with Pluto in Cancer, a very traditionalist generation.
Their parents lived decently, while this generation, when it reached youth in the 60-70s, brought the mini skirt and rock and roll music, scandalizing everything. The Leo sign is closely related to the arts and creativity, and with this generation many creative people appeared, in all fields. Music, architecture and fashion benefited to the full from the endowments of this generation.
These natives are full of energy and like to hang out, have fun, socialize. They fully grasped the “Golden Age”, and if you think that the Leo sign is ruled by the Sun and the associated metal is gold, you will better understand the spiritual links between astrology and socio-political events: nothing is accidental!
Craving power and recognition, this generation sought to possess both material values and honorary titles. The generation with Pluto in Leo is authoritarian “who is not with me, is against me” being their saying.
The generation before them, which had Pluto in Cancer, was strongly focused on family, urging young people to get married and looking to offer apartments for families. Young people with Pluto in Leo thus benefited from the opportunity to buy apartments and start a home very easily, compared to other generations before them or after them.
However, the ideal of this generation was totally different than a quiet family life. Leo is related to pleasures and eroticism, adventure and lovers. This generation brought freedom, which scandalized the traditionalism of the generation with Pluto in Cancer. Young people migrated from villages to cities where, away from their parents’ eyes, they could flirt and test their power of attractiveness, because these natives were born with a strong eroticism. In the families of these natives, extramarital affairs took place with great frequency.
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Both the previous generation, with Pluto in Cancer, as well as those with Pluto in Leo, had many children, the birth rate being at its peak in the 60s-80s. The Leo sign is related to children, so you should not be surprised that these natives had children from both official and extramarital relationships. Contraceptives began to be used on a large scale also during this generation, and abortions increased, this being a dark part of this generation. Still related to the dark sides, we must remember the selfishness, snobbery and exaggerated desire for power of this generation. It is a generation of consumers, eager to exploit all opportunities, very often exceeding the measure. They follow the saying “after me the flood”. Ecology has gone downhill because of this very greedy generation.
Many leaders and bosses of this generation are only interested in their own good, shamelessly exploiting other people, totally disinterested in the needs of others. Although you have now reached an advanced age, this generation still holds the reins politically and economically. The reason is their greed for power. Eager to lead, they can’t stand the idea of handing over power to the younger generation and they don’t do it. They want to continue to have influence and decision-making power. Those who are in leadership positions cannot be removed. Those who do not have leadership positions, lead in their family, holding the financial power, thus controlling the lives and future of the young.
This generation still wants praise, fame and power. The young generation cannot make its way until this generation with Pluto in Leo, with a very strong will that will never give up power, is extinguished.
The role of this generation is: To put their creativity to work and help the development of humanity through their ideas and their artistic sense. To bring freedom. Let them be authoritative and determined, but generous leaders.
The generation with the planet Pluto in the sign of Virgo
The generation between the ages of 37-52: those born between October 20, 1956 – January 14, 1957; August 19, 1957 – October 5, 1971; April 18, 1972 – July 30, 1972;
Characteristics of the generation: After the generation with Pluto in Leo destroyed nature and consumed everything they could, the generation with Pluto in Virgo follows, those who face big problems that they have to solve: unemployment, bad social assistance, class suffering workers, animal rights (for example, those with Pluto in Leo shone in fur coats, which led to the backlash of the generation with Pluto in Virgo), destroyed flora and fauna.
It is important to understand that the involvement of this generation is not so visible, for one reason only: the previous generation, with Pluto in Leo, occupied almost all the leadership positions and does not let go of the leadership position, and this generation he doesn’t have much chance of affirmation and no decision-making power. This is the reason why the generation with Pluto in Virgo is quite pessimistic, rightly considering that it cannot make any changes.
Anyway, the mission of the generation with Pluto in Virgo is totally different: they have very good endowments for science and technology, medicine, as well as for ecology. This generation produced very good engineers, excellent doctors, true professionals in all the fields in which they work. Much less interested in fun than the generation before them, these natives are serious, hardworking and intelligent, very loyal to the cause they serve.
They are the generation that cleans and repairs. It’s not by chance that medicine flourished with this generation, because, with the excesses that the generation with Pluto in Leo made in terms of health, they really need doctors!
At the same time, the generation with Pluto in Virgo is sincerely interested in natural medicine, esoteric sciences, but from a practical perspective, applicable in everyday life. Many natives opt for the lacto-vegetarian diet, various diets and are interested in their health. They love nature and animals and look for solutions to protect them.
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The negative side of this generation is criticism and skepticism. Because they are facing the “flood” left by the generation with Pluto in Leo, they often analyze a lot the causes that led to the problems and this makes them discover the irregularities. Everything is fine up to this point, only that, due to the lack of socio-political power (held in the long term by the generation with Pluto in Leo), this generation has nothing left but to analyze and comment. That is why they become very critical and negative, seeing black clouds everywhere. Part of this generation does not work to improve things, but because of negative thinking, they carry on the vices that the generation before them developed, adding, of course, a lot of pessimism.
The role of this generation is to: Bring solutions for ecology, to get involved in the development of science and technology. To analyze mistakes and propose improvements. To heal and correct.
The generation with the planet Pluto in the sign Libra
The generation between the ages of 25-37: those born between October 6, 1971 – April 17, 1972; July 31, 1972 – November 5, 1983; 19 May 1984 – 27 August 1984;
Characteristics of the generation: Many children born with Pluto in Libra are the fruit of their parents’ efforts to save their couple. These young people witnessed their parents’ bad marriages, arguments and divorces. As a result, they are put on great deeds to make all their collaborations work: marriage, professional and political collaborations. Pluto being in its position of fall in Libra shows that this generation is disinterested in politics, it scratches it. They have a horror of wars and quarrels. They want to help progress through collaboration. I don’t want political conflicts, but negotiations in favor of both parties. They are pacifists and oriented towards establishing as many collaborations as possible.
Professionally, this generation, eager to unite the extremes, brought “hybrid” professions: for example, it united art with psychology and arrived at psychotherapy through art; he united medicine with psychology and developed the branch of psychosomatics, etc. (you can find many examples in this sense, of new professions resulting from the combination of two older professions). They are masters at joining two different things together and finding connections. This is also one of their missions.
Since most of the young people of this generation come from dysfunctional couples, they are fed up with arguments and sincerely want to find happiness in love. It’s no wonder that this generation reads everything they can get their hands on about relationships and talks as much about their lack of a relationship, their relationship problems, or their luck in getting married as never before. generation so far! For this generation, marriage and love is a thorny and important problem. They have a lot of love to offer.
The spirit of justice is very strong in this generation and they seek justice in the workplace and equality in the couple. They fight against discrimination, for equal opportunities!
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Libra is ruled by Venus, showing that this generation is endowed with a lot of artistic talent. They are looking for refinement and with this generation dance, photography, music and interior design are developing a lot. Sincerely interested in culture, among these natives there will be many artists, writers and people of culture.
Also under the influence of the planet Venus, they pay great attention to body care and beauty, physical appearance in general. This generation is looking for solutions to maintain youth and beauty even at advanced ages.
Politically and socio-economically, this generation is the one with many initiatives. They benefit from the intelligent analyzes of the generation with Pluto in Virgo, and if they did not have the opportunity to do much because of the generation with Pluto in Leo that had continued to dominate, little by little, the natives with Pluto in Libra, they manage to reconcile the everyone and to bring reforms. This generation is active and gets involved both with energy and with new ideas in the development of humanity.
The negative side of this generation is running away from problems and the excessive availability for compromises, which leads to big long-term misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships. Most of them come from families where there were arguments and divorces, this generation doesn’t really know how to communicate, even if it has good intentions. Many natives opt for cohabiting relationships because of the fear of getting married.
The role of this generation is: To make advantageous negotiations and collaborations on a professional, political and socio-economic level. To solve the problem of communication between people. To bring love and equality in the couple relationship. To contribute to artistic, literary and cultural development.
The planet Pluto in the sign of Scorpio
The generation between the ages of 14-25: those born between November 6, 1983 – May 18, 1984; August 28, 1984 – January 16, 1995; April 21, 1995 – November 10, 1995;
Characteristics of the generation: Less interested in the couple relationship and love than the generation with Pluto in Libra, they are interested in Talk, occultism and financial power. These teenagers and young people grow up surrounded by transmitted diseases, abortions, they talk about more than ever, the number of partners, they are the generation that sees and knows a lot about gender.
This generation throws taboos into the air. They bring to light many secrets, even on the political level. Strongly interested in the occult and parapsychology, this generation has innate abilities on this plane. They are heavily involved in the manipulation and control of the human mind, as well as in discovering the astonishing powers of the human psyche.
One thing must be known about this generation, with Pluto in Scorpio, a very rebellious generation, full of extremes and ready to make great transformations: “all or nothing” being their motto, this generation will be strongly divided into two: the good ones and in the bad ones. Totally different from the previous generation, with Pluto in Libra, a generation that seeks balance and collaboration, people who do not tolerate extremes and who seek to have balance in their lives on all levels, the generation with Pluto in Scorpio is characterized by everything, only by balance no. The natives of this generation are either attracted by positive or negative spiritual forces, being a strongly polarized generation.
The generation with Pluto in Scorpio thus offers exceptional young people, extraordinary specialists in psychology, parapsychology, genetics, economics and macroeconomics, powerful political leaders, true diamonds! People who fight for progress and transformation, having a strong will. They put into practice the ideas of those with Pluto in Virgo and Libra and carry on their work, quickly achieving great results. They find solutions for pollution, prostitution, the import fight against the manipulation of money, materialism and they campaign for the spiritual awakening of humanity.
The other side of the generation with Pluto in Scorpio is the one attracted by negative forces, young people who fall one after another victims of substance abuse, depravity, depression, suicidal tendencies, paranoia, sects, fanaticism, weapons, violence.
Since Scorpio is associated with the 8th house, the house of death, a large part of this generation will be decimated before reaching old age (through terrorist attacks, suicides, drug overdoses). It is known that the Scorpio sign is famous for its self-destructive tendencies. Other natives of this generation, involved in medicine and genetics, will find solutions for incurable diseases. This generation will have few children, the birth rate being in decline during the period of these adults.
This generation is very greedy for power and money. Those natives who have a spiritual evolution, will use the power to bring about positive transformations and will find particularly good solutions for the financial problems facing humanity. Those natives who have no spiritual inclinations at all, will be strongly tempted by money and will use blackmail and dirty business to gain financial power. In the end, the natives of this strongly polarized generation will go to war with each other, the battle between good and evil being fierce. The next generation will bring the solution, with Pluto in Sagittarius!
The role of this generation is: To bring to light the secrets. To make big changes on the social and political level. To contribute to the development of genetics, psychology, and parapsychology. To find solutions for macroeconomic problems.
Suggestion: use the information in this article to analyze the differences in thinking between the generations in your family.