What Your Ideal Partner Is Like, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Your ideal partner is someone who is cool, calm, and collected yet easygoing and knows how to make you laugh. You will probably bring out their fun and crazy side anyway and encourage them to get out of their comfort zone, but they will also keep you grounded and they will give you the peace and serenity you’re looking for in your fast-paced and turbulent lifestyle.
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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Your ideal partner is someone who is not practical and doesn’t like to follow the rules. You’re very practical and you love to plan the next 10 years of your life, so having someone teach you how to be more spontaneous and let go of trying to have everything under control will make you enjoy life more and worry less about the future. In other words, they will ease your anxiety and show you a more vibrant side of life.
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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Your ideal partner is someone assertive and makes decisions quickly and firmly because you are so indecisive and you can take forever until you make up your mind about something, so having someone in your life who helps you make a decision and convinces you why it’s the best one for you will save so much of your time and energy and will help you stop overthinking. You also go from one extreme to the other so having someone who gives you balance will change your life.
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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Your ideal partner is someone who is bold and is not shy to approach you or show that they’re interested in you and want to get to know you. You’re shy and you hate making the first move, so someone who is not afraid to pursue you and communicate their feelings will give you more confidence to open up and let your guard down. They will also allow you to express yourself freely, which is very important to you.
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Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Your ideal partner is someone who is just like you: loud, fun and fearless. You will always be on cloud nine with someone who loves the same things you love and is willing to do anything, no matter how crazy it sounds. They will also encourage you to think of more fun things to do and be completely yourself around them.
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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Your ideal partner is someone who is nurturing, protective and mature. You love stability, consistency, and someone you can rely on. You’re very responsible and independent and you’re always taking care of others, so having someone take care of you for a change will encourage you to show your more vulnerable and laid-back side.
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Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Your ideal partner is someone who is outgoing, friendly, and nonjudgmental. You have a busy schedule and a robust social life, so you need someone who also loves to go out and join you on all your occasions, mingles with your friends, and knows how to have a good time too so you never feel like you need space from them or they’re putting pressure on you to go home early or have more nights in.
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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Your ideal partner is someone who is patient and not too clingy. You take your time until you commit to someone, and you’re not easily attached, so you need someone patient enough to wait for you but also willing to give you your space and your freedom without being too clingy. Someone who is more detached yet there for you when you need them will slowly but surely make you feel safe about committing to them without forcing you to rush into any decisions.
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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Your ideal partner is someone who is intellectual, deep, and soulful. You love education and you’re always reading and learning new things. You’re always studying something new or exploring a new city or learning a new hobby, and having someone who can talk to you about these things and share the same interests as you is crucial. You want someone who can talk to you for hours about life, love, and loss or how you both healed and evolved. Mental stimulation will always be the key to your heart.
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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Your ideal partner is someone who is funny, goofy, and uninhibited. You’re always so proper and so put together that you sometimes need someone to shake things up a little bit and push you to not take everything so seriously. Someone who is witty and makes you laugh will help you take things lightly and make your stressful days easier to get through.
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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Your ideal partner is someone who supports your wildest dreams—literally. You are a dreamer and a visionary. You have unrealistic dreams and goals and you don’t usually get the support you need from others. You need someone who believes in you and encourages you to go out and make things happen, because sometimes all you need is one person to tell you that you’re not crazy for having these dreams and visions and that you are capable of making them happen.
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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Your ideal partner is someone who is a great listener and a great conversationalist. You can talk for hours about so many topics and you love asking too many personal questions so you need someone who can keep up with you and someone who is engaged in your conversations. It’s important to you because you don’t usually open up, but when you do, you love to feel heard and understood and you want someone who shares their feelings too and asks you the same interesting questions back.