Zodiac Signs

What is the Descendant in Astrology and How to Find Yours

What is the descendant and how can it help you get to know yourself better? You need to know the time of birth to determine it!

You have surely heard about the ascendant in astrology. It is the sign defined by the time you were born and on which many of the characteristics of your personality depend.

But few people know about the ascendant, although it is at least as important as the ascendant in the horoscope. Especially if you are interested in relationship astrology and want the horoscope to guide you in terms of your relationship with your loved one!

On the axis of the horizon, exactly opposite the opposite Ascendant, is the Descendant. It is the zodiac sign that sits on the western horizon at the time of a person’s birth.

Unlike the Ascendant, which describes our moods and shows how we intuitively react to situations, the Descendant rather describes what a person does not have, what he lacks. It shows how a person has to deal in everyday life with things that are too much for him because of his Ascendant disposition.

What is the Descendant in astrology?

The descendant symbolizes what the person still has to learn or how his own potential can be used better.

Astrologers consider that the descendant represents a darker part of the person or his shadow. It is about those traits that are not manifested in that individual.

Thus, the Descendant represents the exterior and the influences that affect and challenge a person. It can also become a projection surface for things that the respective person does not experience or would like to experience.

The Descendant (DC) is the gateway to your seventh house of relationships. The Descendant is located at the 3 o’clock point on your chart – that is, the cusp, or starting line of the seventh house. He is directly opposite your Ascendant (AC), your birth sign, which is at 9 o’clock on the wheel.

The Descendant is exactly opposite your Ascendant on the zodiac wheel.

Here are the zodiacal Ascendant – Descendant correspondences:

After you have found out your ancestry, it is very easy to see who your descendant is.

Pisces Ascendant – Virgo Descendant

Ascendant Virgo – Descendant Pisces

Ascendent Rac – Descendent Capricorn

Leo Ascendant – Aquarius Descendant

Sagittarius Ascendant – Gemini Descendant

Ascendant Scorpio – Descendant Taurus

Ascendent Capricorn – Descendent Rac

Ascendant Taurus – Descendant Scorpio

Ascendant Libra – Descendant Aries

Aquarius Ascendant – Leo Descendant

Aries Ascendant – Libra Descendant

Gemini Ascendant – Sagittarius Descendant

How does your horoscope descendant influence your love life

While the Ascendant governs your authority impulses, the Descendant guides your relational desires. Understanding it can prove the theory that opposites attract. We get along better with people who have the qualities of our descendant.

It is particularly interesting to look at the descendant within the lover’s horoscope. It shows how someone perceives his counterpart, especially his love partner, how he behaves with him and what he still has to learn in terms of a happy relationship.

It is, after all, one of the big questions we always ask ourselves: What do I expect from my partner and who is really a good match for me? Astrology or, more precisely, knowing your own ascendant can help us in this regard. If you know your ascendant, you also know your descendent. And this shows what qualities we expect from our partner.

So, if you want to know what qualities you want from a partner or what qualities your partner expects from you, it’s easy to orient yourself according to the zodiac descendant. He will tell you what those hidden traits of your personality are, which will be found in those you are attracted to.

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