Zodiac Signs


Some zodiac signs love to provoke others, unleashing the anger of those around them. Do you think your sign is in the top three in the rankings?

There are people who enjoy when they make someone angry . Provoking others is a real art. Those who are good at keeping their nerve can make others nervous and push them to make mistakes , often drawing a great personal advantage from them. There are also those who provoke for fun and to find out what their interlocutor’s reaction will be.

Everyone has a reason to provoke a reaction in a person but not everyone is able to do it flawlessly. Some zodiac signs are better at this kind of behavior. Based on the date of birth, it is possible to understand which zodiac signs are best at provoking others . Today we will discover the top three in the standings. Do you think you will also find your mark on the podium?

The zodiac signs that like to provoke: the podium

Cancer : in third place in the ranking we find the sign of Cancer. People born under this sign of the zodiac have a very strong personality and love to provoke others, especially to test their character. For those born under this sign, provocation is almost a fun pastime. It is precisely for this reason that Cancer often quarrels easily with others, even for futile reasons.

Sagittarius : in second place in the ranking we find the sign of Sagittarius. Those who belong to this sign of the zodiac always know what to say because they are very rational. Sagittarius provokes others in any context, he would be able to do it even during a wedding, although he is not among the signs most linked to weddings and ceremonies . This sign often creates problems because they have a great imagination. His taunts are a lot of fun, as long as you don’t get provoked!

Taurus : the primacy goes to the sign of Taurus. This sign is particularly lazy, has its own times and is also very touchy. When someone criticizes his lifestyle, Taurus uses his intelligence to provoke him, especially if other people are present. Then he sits in a corner to enjoy the reaction because Taurus is not a quarrelsome sign and hates violence, both physical and verbal.

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