Zodiac Signs


The zodiac signs that lie for love are really very dangerous: you never know what they couldĀ do and they will never tell the truth!

Have you ever met someone who couldn’t help butĀ lie for loveĀ ?
There are, in fact, people who justify themselves with the excuse of feelings when they have to tell theĀ worstĀ liesĀ : it seems that they cannot do without it!
We decided to ask stars and planets to give us a ranking of this type of people: curious to know if you are among them too?

The zodiac signs that lie for love: here is today’s horoscope ranking

How many times has it happened to you to see a friend or a friend victims of a partner … a liar?

There are people who lie about simpler things;Ā see a friend for coffee, what they think or what they feel.
The reason, when they are then confronted with their lie, is always the same:Ā they did it for love!
It goes without saying that those born under thoseĀ zodiacĀ signsĀ , who always lie out of love, areĀ extremely dangerousĀ people .

How about: would you like to discover with usĀ today’s horoscope rankingĀ ?

Aries: fifth place

DearĀ AriesĀ , you are in today’s horoscope ranking because it is true that,Ā forĀ loveĀ ,Ā you would do anything and moreĀ .
Lying is practically the first step on a long ladder!

AriesĀ areĀ people who tend to go all out when they fall in love with another person, no matter who that person is.
They lie, they use subterfuge, they never tell the truth: anĀ AriesĀ in loveĀ is a very difficult person to manage!

Virgo: fourth place

Often considered as people with no feelings or who are dominated by a cold and rigid logic, those born under the sign ofĀ VirgoĀ conquer the fourth place in the ranking ofĀ the zodiac signs that lie for loveĀ .

Do not think thatĀ VirgoĀ is not a very passionate signā€¦ indeed!
The Virgin arouses and undergoes really strong passions that lead her to really do everything.Ā Lying is pretty much the basis: aĀ VirgoĀ in love would do anything for her partner or even to keep him in the dark about something that could ruin their relationship!

Cancer: third place

There is really nothing to do with you, dearĀ CancersĀ .
Even if you are people who tend to be kind and always nice you have a big flaw: for love you would really do anything!

Maybe that’s why you are inĀ the ranking of the most manipulative zodiac signs of the whole horoscopeĀ !Ā Cancers areĀ peopleĀ who tend to lie out of love: they would do anything for their partner … even keep the truth from them!

Gemini: second place

We then come to those born under the sign ofĀ GeminiĀ .Ā Even this sign is particularly capable of lying for loveā€¦ indeed, it is something that it does with full knowledge of the facts!Ā Gemini
areĀ not people who fall in love easily or every second.

But when theĀ GeminiĀ got a crush on someone here comes the lies.Ā AĀ GeminiĀ will shamelessly lie to everyone, even their partner, to keep the relationship alive and healthy.
Too bad it is not the best way to make a story last to lie at full blast!

Aquarius: first place in the ranking of zodiac signs that lie for love

In the first place of today’s horoscope ranking there could only be all the people born under a zodiac sign with a big heart.
And who has the biggest heart of theĀ AquariusĀ ?

Those born under this sign, in fact, are people who tend to always put themselves in second place: it is no coincidence that they areĀ also in first place in this horoscope rankingĀ !
For anĀ AquariusĀ , lying for love is completely justified.Ā They, who sincerely love everyone and who are always available to others, do it without problems even if not very often.Ā AnĀ AquariusĀ always thinks of the greater good: what do you want a little lie or something unspoken to the best choice?

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