Zodiac Signs

These zodiac signs are unlucky in January

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January is approaching and some zodiac signs await one mishap after the other in the darkest of all months. Sometimes nothing will work out – unfortunately, optimism alone is no longer enough. But don’t worry, things will look better again in December!

Here you can find out which signs of the zodiac shouldn’t be too big for January.

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Bull :

Unfortunately, things don’t go as smoothly as expected for the Taurus in January. Actually, this zodiac sign hoped that autumn would bring some fresh wind into his life. Unfortunately, the Taurus has to be patient with this. One streak of bad luck follows the other!  But good news for you too: After that, things will go uphill, we promise! Because the positive mindset of the Taurus cannot throw anything off course so quickly. He is a real fighter and can easily hold out this streak of bad luck.

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Sagittarius :

Uiuiui … those born in Sagittarius are not allowed to make any important decisions in January 2022 , because luck is not on their side. Unfortunately, it is not worth being brave this month! So while the mood among Sagittarians is rather humble, they are really in no mood to ponder the seriousness of life. Lucky strategy: postpone everything important to February, then everything will run smoothly again!

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Twins :

Twins are also hit hard in January. His two faces will come to light in the coming month, especially in his own world of thoughts, so this zodiac sign is torn back and forth with every decision and no longer knows where his head is. Gemini-borns currently have the feeling that they have lost themselves and that it is difficult to communicate what is good for them. One bad event follows another. But it is not hopeless! Write down the disturbing factors of everyday life so that you can see the problem clearly!

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