Zodiac Signs


Are you part of the zodiac signs who are true free spirits? Let’s find out now thanks to our horoscope ranking for today.

There are people that it is impossible to keep tied to the earth, to home, to a particular country or, again, to a particular person.
They are simply too rebellious and free to remain anchored in the past or, sometimes, even in the present!
Check out today’s ranking: better check if your partner is among the signs we are talking about, right?

The zodiac signs that are free spirits: here is today’s ranking

How many people have you known who could not really endure the ” ties ” of everyday life ?

Sometimes it happens to meet people who are really only ever passing through. As soon as they can, in fact, they try to free themselves from ties , routines and all those boring things that … make up everyday life!
Today we decided to ask the horoscope what are the zodiac signs that are absolutely free spirits and that you will never be able to put in a cage.

So: ready to find out who is at the top of the rankings ?

Libra: fifth place

Dear Libra , you know very well that you are free spirits: it is useless to pretend to want what everyone else wants!

Sensitive, spiritual, used to always being the center of attention, those born under the sign of Libra are true free spirits.
They love to be special, different from others and ready to go on an adventure if and when they want: don’t try to put them in a cage!

Pisces: fourth place

Is there anyone freer than Pisces ? (Um, obviously yes since I’m only in fourth place on today’s horoscope chart !).

Pisces are people who have absolutely no problem going straight on their way, bewitching anyone who passes by.
Accustomed as they are to doing what they want, always and in any case, it is not strange for Pisces to be real free spirits. Others admire their way of doing, direct and … by people free from preconceptions!

Leo: third place

Those born under the sign of Leo enter the ranking of the zodiac signs that are free spirits for one reason and one reason only.

Leos want to be free to do what they want, when they want and without ever feeling guilty!
For this reason , Leos don’t like being given a “path” to follow. When they make a decision, they often remain loyal to it almost forever as long as someone doesn’t interfere by telling Leos that this is “the way things are”. Very dangerous words to say to a Leo : they will never be happy to do “what others do” and that is why, ultimately, they are among the freest signs of the whole horoscope !

Sagittarius: second place

Although they are people who are often used to almost “forget” those born under the sign of Sagittarius , they are actually real free spirits !

No, dear Sagittarius , do not be offended: we do not forget why you are boring or trivial but because … you never want to be together with others!
You are too particular (and true free spirits) to live a boring life, the same as everyone else’s. People feel it and are led to admire you but also to find you truly cold and staid . In the meantime, however, you have already moved on to something else: a new life, new friendships and new interests!

Gemini: first place in the ranking of zodiac signs that are free spirits

Gemini has a very important record: they are people who are impossible to put in a cage, who value freedom more than anything else!

Gemini , in fact, is often a person who does not really care to revolutionize his life, at any moment.
Of course, this can make life difficult for people who love Gemini or who live their life close to them. Gemini , however, often do not look back or around: they are people who do not like labels , routine or boredom and who are always ready to live a new adventure. Pay attention to it: your Gemini friends are true free spirits, just look at how many times they have changed their lives !

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