Tell us the truth: aren’t you one of the zodiac signs who believe in fairy tales? If so, you would be at risk: someone might tell you too many!
It happens to everyone to believe in fairy tales: after all, they have been telling them to us since we were children!
Nothing wrong with believing in stories and in all the fairy tales we know by heart : they are beautiful containers that speak of our history and our past.
Everything becomes a little more complicated when you continue to believe in fairy tales … even when grown up!
The zodiac signs who (still) believe in fairy tales: are you in today’s ranking?
The time of Snow White or Cinderella is now over for you too, right?
Our horoscope ranking today is one of the decidedly curious ones. We asked the stars and planets to tell us which are the zodiac signs that always believe in fairy tales. Of course, it is nice and fun to believe in fairy tales as children and even a little when you are an adult. But when you are dealing with a person who still believes in fairy tales in everyday life … we can assure you that there is no  happy ending !
Libra: fifth place
Those born under the sign of Libra particularly like the idea of ​​being tough, who don’t believe in anything or anyone.
Too bad that Libras are quite the opposite of this! They believe in all the fairy tales they can imagine and do nothing but live a life with such high standards of romance that it scares everyone. Dear Libra : you too know that this is reality.
Aquarius: fourth place
There is a reason why those born under the sign of Aquarius are both in the ranking of the zodiac signs that still believe in fairy tales and in the ranking of the zodiac signs that give excellent advice .
Accustomed as they are to interpreting fairy tales to bring out a lesson, Aquarius are people who have internalized fairy tales and always believe that, sooner or later, there will be a happy ending. Too bad that, as in the best fairy tales, the Aquarius slip into the worst situations in the world before being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Taurus: third place
Those born under the sign of Taurus will absolutely not like being in the ranking of the zodiac signs who still believe in fairy tales.
The reason is simple: Taurus like to think they are particularly angular, precise, square people. With a purpose and a plan!
The reality is really very different: Taurus are people who believe in fairy tales, believe in love with a capital A and do nothing but wait for their Prince Charming to arrive, possibly riding the white steed. It is useless to pretend that this is not the case!
Cancer: second place
Dear Cancerian friends , you are surprised you are not at the top of today’s chart, aren’t you?
You deserve, however, an absolutely ” fabulous ” second place.
For those born under the sign of Cancer there is something truly indispensable: the “happily ever after” that accompanies the end of many fairy tales.
Cancers , after all, are really like that: they believe there will be tragedies and hardships but have no difficulty in imagining a happy ending for their (even the ugliest) stories.
In short: they are true lovers of fairy tales and never stop believing in it. This, sometimes, is not the best: Cancers can become particularly obsessive!
Pisces: first place in the ranking of zodiac signs who believe in fairy tales
Those born under the sign of Pisces win today’s palm in the horoscope ranking of the zodiac signs who believe in fairy tales .
Well yes, dear Pisces : it is you with your head in the clouds and your completely amused way of doing things to be the ones who believe more than all the others still in fairy tales!
Thanks to you Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are still alive and well (even if, often, you also suffer from the famous Wendy syndrome !).
You Pisces are like this: you love to look at things from a romantic, fairytale perspective, devoid of concreteness or reality, with the help of spells and magic .
Nothing wrong with that: just remember, every now and then, to put your feet on the ground and pull your little head out of the bubble of magic that helps you move forward in life.
Serve on the mainland !