The Moon under these two influences will be making life quite uncomfortable for certain zodiacs. The effects would be short-term like anxiety, extreme mood swings, and an overall sense of uncertainty. This is due to the emotional instability of Uranus and the unpredictable nature of Aquarius.
4 lucky zodiacs will be comparatively safe from such influences and will spend a calm weekend with the New Moon. Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces will be tuned in to their feelings and willing to make bold decisions to support their upcoming plans.
The New Moon is here to expand your mind. Academics will be favored now along with spiritual retreat.
Let your soul grow under this Moon while you are struck by some meaningful epiphany. Don’t be afraid to explore the newfound knowledge that the Moon blesses you with.
Time for you to focus on your future. With a clear head, you know what you need but you need to work towards it with your partner. Don’t exhaust yourself.
If you want to rock the boat now, be prepared for trouble in the coming days of the lunar cycle. Rather, focus on positive communication and try to be on the same page with your partner.
Your feelings and thoughts have been building up and this New Moon is the perfect time for you to let it all out! This luminary is giving you a confidence boost, urging you to open up.
You might have been pondering over how you are connected with those around you. As you gather the courage to communicate openly, you will get closer to not only your family and friends but also to your goals.
As the New Moon spares you this time, the weekend would be quite relaxing. This is the time for you to recharge yourself, and not think of work or the people around you.
Take some time out to contemplate how you spent your 2020 and think of the things you want to do in 2021. Among all the zodiacs, you are set to have the most traditional New Moon experience this time! Make the most of it.
If you are worried that the New Moon will affect your zodiac adversely, don’t worry. The Moon may be chaotic for some but meditation and self-awareness will help you.
Focus on organizing your feelings and prepare for the future! Happy Moon everyone!