Zodiac Signs

These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Not Cold, But Rather Take Care Of Their Hearts

As the saying goes: hard shell, soft core. A few compliments and two to three romantic dates are not enough to win over the following four zodiac signs. Because they are afraid of being hurt or because they are unsure of their feelings, they are not quick to let anyone get close to them. They close their hearts for as long as possible, making it difficult for new love to conquer it. They are anything but cold-hearted, they just take good care of their hearts. Does your zodiac sign belong to this?


Because of their communicative nature, Gemini always appears approachable and open-minded to outsiders. When it comes to their feelings, the air sign can quickly become very indecisive. Unconsciously, Gemini often gets in their way when it comes to love and makes it difficult for new acquaintances to get to know them better and create something solid from it.


Scorpios are not easily lured out of their reserve and this is especially true when it comes to their feelings. For fear of being hurt, the sensitive water sign prefers to withdraw from matters of the heart and observe the situation for a while. Only when Scorpios are sure that a serious relationship could develop are they ready to open up to their counterpart?


Aquarians often have mixed feelings about love, making it difficult for others to win their hearts. On the one hand, the air sign wants a fixed constant in its life, but on the other hand, from the freedom-loving Aquarius’ point of view, a partnership can quickly become restrictive. Therefore, they usually carefully consider whether they want to open up to new love or not.


A typical Virgo initially appears very cerebral to those around her. This has to do with their desire for an orderly environment and clear conditions. The zodiac sign doesn’t like being alone per se, on the contrary. But for Virgo to be sure that nothing can happen to her heart and that her entire life will not be derailed by another person, she needs a lot of patience.

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