Zodiac Signs


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Find out how crazy you can be this fall based on your zodiac sign.

Having a streak of madness in you can be something poetic, which makes you eccentric and certainly interesting. Sometimes, however, controlling this particularity can be difficult and lead to paradoxical situations or start-up businesses in a way that is a little too sudden. Even the tendency to be extreme and in some ways crazy can be affected by the influence of the stars, so today, after having seen which are the zodiac signs ready to have new experiences and which are the imperturbable ones, we will find out which ones are with the arrival of autumn will face a colorful period of madness (obviously positive).

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Will you also have an autumn full of a pinch of madness? The council of the stars

Aries – A decidedly crazy autumn
Maybe you will not be at your peak but with the arrival of autumn you will be able to feel fitter and the euphoria will lead you to express yourself in a more cheerful way than ever. A streak of madness will then emerge in you that could even lead you to make different choices than you usually would. The advice of the stars, in this case, is to stop for a moment and ponder and although this is not part of your classic way of living things, perhaps it is time to change in order to obtain different results where you complain of not always get what you want. In this way, perhaps, you will feel a little less adrenaline but you will be able to face things in a better spirit and make the right decisions more easily.

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Taurus – A minimally crazy
autumn Autumn will find you more than organized and this greatly excludes the possibility of episodes of madness which in your case can result in some trips out of town or in moments in which you will tend to let yourself go more than usual. For the rest, as always, you will have the handbrake on but this time for a very specific reason, that is to maintain control in order not to lose sight of the things you care about and those goals you have been pursuing for a while. A wise choice and also supported by the stars who advise you to live your moments of leisure with a little more lightness in order to keep your concentration only on everything related to your projects.

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Gemini – A crazier autumn than ever
For you, acting with a pinch of madness is something that you find simply instinctive. This happens with ups and downs, sometimes leading you to be more staid and at other times almost uncontrollable. An aspect that will also accompany you in the autumn season, when you are eager as never to have new experiences, you will launch yourself over and over again into the void, embracing as many experiences as possible. So, yes, next fall is going to be a pretty crazy time for you, at least as crazy as the others have been and as much as future ones will be. And since even the stars seem to support you, we might as well take advantage of it, right?

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Cancer – A decidedly… not crazy autumn
Madness is something that doesn’t belong to you except for a few moments and only at certain times. Generally, you are a calm person who always tries to live according to certain habits and who likes to have fun with simple things that make him feel complete and serene. A way of being that belongs to you to the point that it practically never changes, except for rare occasions that do not concern next season. The stars, however, advise a greater spirit of adventure, to experiment with new possibilities, and to live new experiences that will surely be formative and able to expand your way of seeing things.

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Leo – An autumn crazier than ever
Your life is like an adventure that you love to live fully, enjoying every single moment and carrying out every single choice with absolute conviction. This way of doing things leads you often and willingly to make new experiences in which a pinch of madness is never lacking. Well, with the next season, there will certainly be more madness and it will be such as to make you, if possible, even more, visible to others. In this regard, the stars recommend a minimum of moderation, useful for grasping nuances that, in the throes of enthusiasm, you could end up losing yourself, playing even important possibilities.

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Virgo – An Autumn Calmer Than Crazy
Madness is not something that appeals to you. To live well, you prefer to feel at ease with yourself, serene, and, above all, in your comfort zone. This means that to move to action and “crazy” feats you need to have a considerable push, a push that will seem to be missing in the next season, allowing you to stay in your usual comfort zone. The council of the stars? Try at least a little and push yourself a little further both to grow as a person and to make acquaintances that might surprise you positively, at least like the experiences you might have if you just tried to get involved from time to time.

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Libra – An average crazy autumn
Madness is not fully part of your life but it can be part of it from time to time, especially when you want to have fun and relax by doing something that goes beyond the norms. This fall may offer you a few more chances than usual, igniting your desire to get involved and have fun with the people you care about. Madness will therefore be a part of you both in terms of your way of feeling and for the enterprises that you will start and that you will face with more energy than usual. The same that you know how to field in your way and therefore unique and that according to the stars you should always keep alive as an integral part of your charm and your ability to get what you want in a simple way.

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Scorpio – A colorful autumn of madness
This autumn will bring you different colors among which that pinch of madness you have been craving for a while will stand out. It will be a period in which adrenaline will be your guide a little, pushing you to act even before you think, in a way that does not belong to you and that, therefore, will make you feel euphoric. Living in this way will allow you to get to know yourself better, exploring parts of yourself that you did not yet know and that you will welcome as positively as everything you will find on your way. The advice of the stars is to take what comes lightly and with the seriousness that only you know how to put it in place even when you are doing something you like.

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Sagittarius – An Autumn Less Crazy Than You Want
This fall won’t stand out for madness and fun and you’ll end up feeling a little more listless than you would like. This could affect your mood, leading you to live a little subdued even though there are no real reasons for doing so. Fortunately it will not be a stasis that will last long even if, according to the stars, you should avoid waiting and hoping for better moments but push yourself further by focusing everything on yourself and on the things you believe in. In this way you may be able to experience a bit of madness even if the season will not bring you much, drawing as much as you can from yourself and your innate ability to live every situation to the fullest and in a fun way. Just want it.

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Capricorn – An Autumn Calmer
Than Insane Although you don’t miss insanity, next season will be calmer and calmer than insane, perhaps to prepare you for a livelier winter or to propel you into a form of introspection that the stars believe you should experience more. . What is certain is that your desire to do will not run out and will lead you to chase the time between one job and another, thus passing the next season more quickly than ever that perhaps it will not be the most thrilling but it will be able to give you that. serenity that in recent times you had lacked a little. A sort of stasis that you will savor with pleasure and that will give you the opportunity to recharge yourself to leave stronger and more lively than ever when the time is ripe to welcome the madness that, all in all, you carry inside.

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Aquarius – An autumn that is not crazy at all
Being crazy is not exactly your way of being nor a modality that you usually look for neither in yourself nor in others. Very similar to you, in this sense, this autumn will therefore prove to be peaceful, corresponding in all respects to your wishes. Nevertheless, according to the stars, you would do well to get out of your shell at least a little, in order to get involved and carry on so many ideas that you always and only limit yourself to thinking but that you insist on not translating into reality at times. because they are tiring and others simply because you don’t see the reason. The truth is that even just trying could lead you to new and certainly pleasant emotions. Emotions that it would be stupid to deprive oneself of. So why not give it a try?

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Pisces – A crazier autumn than many others
Autumn is a season that knows how to lead you back to distant and important emotions. Whether it is calm or colored by a bit of healthy madness, it always manages to snatch some madness from you, lulling you into the waves of nostalgia and at the same time giving you hope for all that will be in the future. What awaits you promises to be crazier than others and to be in the positive, giving you the opportunity to embrace life in a different way than usual but with the usual enthusiasm. The stars, in this sense, advise not to carry stakes and not to make complicated projects. Living what comes without waiting and with only the desire to find out what awaits you will be the perfect way to celebrate the new season and to give a concrete form to your way of being a little crazy which is as always different from what characterizes the other people.

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