Find out which summer breakfast is best for you based on your zodiac sign. The advice of the stars to start your day in the best possible way.
In summer, you know, the desire to eat fresher food is always around the corner. And this is also true and above all at breakfast. Often, however, due to the short time available to which certain laziness is added, it can happen that you find yourself running out of ideas. For this reason, today, after seeing what the month of July will be like for the signs of the zodiac, we will discover how each of us should start his day with the right breakfast. And all thanks to the advice of the stars.
The right summer breakfast for you based on your zodiac sign
Aries – Orange juice with wholemeal brioche with yogurt cream
In the summer, when you want to taste something good, you should focus on fresh and at the same time healthy foods. A good example can be the one based on orange juice for a full of vitamins and to be accompanied by a wholemeal brioche to be cut in half and to be filled with yogurt cream. A cheerful and colorful way to enjoy a rich and at the same time balanced breakfast. One of those that you will love to repeat over time and that will give you the energy you need to get you off to a good start in your day.
Toro – Soy cappuccino with wholemeal toast and dark chocolate
Even in summer, the thing that matters most in your breakfast is taste. For this reason, the best way to start is with a good sugar-free soy cappuccino for your protein source and a slice of wholemeal bread to which you can add a few squares of dark chocolate. A full of energy that will help you get your day going and that will help you to welcome the sound of the alarm more willingly. A way to start your days in the best way and with the right mood, regardless of how hot it is outside.
Gemelli – The tower of protein pancakes with pistachio topping
Even in the height of summer, taste always comes first for you. And a good way to refuel is to go all out on a good protein pancake. What matters is to make many thin ones and stack them on top of each other to obtain a tower. With the right ingredients and, if you want, the addition of some fruit, you can enjoy everything you need. And what about the throat? Just add some pistachio topping on top and your breakfast will be more delicious and special than ever. Absolutely to taste and even share with friends.
Cancer – Milk with whole grains, nuts, and chocolate chips
When it comes to breakfast, it’s really hard for you to break away from the great classics. Even if they are not the healthiest, you cannot in fact give up a cup of milk to be enriched with cereals. Choosing wholemeal ones will certainly limit the damage, especially if you add dried fruit and if desired, a few flakes of dark chocolate. A breakfast that is certainly different from the usual one but that is quite similar to those of your childhood and that you will find yourself loving to the point of wanting to repeat it every day.
Leone – The protein milkshake with dried fruit
In the summer you like to keep yourself cool. And what’s better than a good protein milkshake that can also be enjoyed cold? Whether it’s a chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla one you will always be more than happy to try it. Even better if you add some dried fruit, useful for balancing your breakfast in the best possible way and to give you energy and joy at the same time. A quick and at the same time disengaged way to get closer to breakfast. And for this, the most suitable for your way of being. Repeating it every day, too, will make your routine sweet at the right point, helping you to wake up with more serenity.
Virgin – The soy cappuccino with a slice of wholemeal cake
A wholemeal and sugar-free cake, to be prepared with eggs and proteins is certainly a sweet but healthy way to face the day. Inserting it at breakfast together with a sugar-free soy cappuccino will help you wake up in a sweet and more satisfying way than ever. And all for a meal that will give you the right energy which will also be combined with the right dose of good humor. What you always need to live better. All the more reason to start your day sweetly, right?
Libra – The soy cappuccino with wholemeal bread, ghee, and homemade jam
Is a breakfast worthy of the name? One that is classic and has the flavor of the old days. The time that, obviously, you can revisit in a healthy way to take care of yourself at the same time. A good sugar-free soy cappuccino goes best with wholemeal bread to be made tastier with ghee and homemade jam strictly without sugar. A breakfast that you will love and that you will love to prepare every morning, giving yourself the right time to enjoy it to the full. A real cuddle that as such will give you both the charge and the smile.
Scorpio – Greek yogurt with honey, amaranth biscuits, and dried fruit
When you want a breakfast that is both fresh and good at the same time, you can focus on a great classic revisited. A colorful cup to be filled with sugar-free Greek yogurt and enriched with amaranth biscuits and dried fruit. To sweeten everything a little, you can use a teaspoon of honey. This is in fact excellent for giving flavor and beneficial properties. All for a first taste of the day that will give you a smile and the desire to do. Which, among other things, will also help you feel full for longer than you think.
Sagittarius – The protein pancake
At breakfast, you like to eat simple but at the same time greedy things. And a protein pancake lends itself to all of this, also providing you with the right energy to face your daily tasks. Excellent with jam or with some topping to be invented on the spot, it will always give you joy, making you feel a little on vacation. Perfect for sharing as a family, it is a product that you will love to vary in all its forms and that from time to time you can combine with coffee, milk, or even orange juice. What matters is finding the right proportion of nutrients to recharge your batteries and not feel hungry.
Capricorn – Cold porridge with fresh and dried fruit
When the urge for a change of breakfast makes its way without showing you ideas to draw from, you can try a cold porridge. Whether it is oat or chia-based, what matters is that it is rich in fresh and dried fruit and that you like it to the point of wanting to get up so you can prepare and enjoy it. It is in fact a dish that you will love from the first moment and that you will like to repeat over time. And all without getting tired as easily as it sometimes happens with others. A choice to try in different variations, each of which will offer you a different (but always welcome) way to have breakfast.
Aquarius – Greek yogurt with wholemeal biscuits
A quick breakfast that is fresh, summery, and all in all healthy? You can get it with Greek yogurt to which you can add wholemeal biscuits and, if desired, jam or a cocoa topping. Tasting it will make you feel reborn from the first taste and all this giving you the boost you need in the morning. A charge that will have all the flavor of sweetness and that is why you will feel perfect for yourself. What matters is to eat without haste, taking advantage of these quiet moments to concentrate your mental energies and give the right greeting to the new day.
Pisces – The fat pancake with yogurt
Do you know the famous fat pancakes? Those pancakes so tall they look like little cakes and so good they make anyone hungry? Here, in summer they are the ideal choice as long as with lots of fresh yogurt and fruit that you want to prepare them. From strawberries to bananas to a shower of blueberries, it will prove to be the perfect breakfast. The one that you will like to prepare both for yourself and for the people you love and that will always give you a smile. Excellent to combine with an American coffee, it should be enjoyed strictly calmly. And all this in order to pamper yourself a little and calmly enjoy the pleasures of slow awakening. The one that gives a good mood and the right amount of relaxation from the early hours of the morning.