Ranking OF Zodiac Signs: Who Would Die Of Love VS. Who Prefers To Die Alone

1: Cancer
As one of the most emotional and romantic signs in the zodiac, it’s no surprise that you are at the top of this list. You really love being in love, and when you think about moving forward with your plans for your future, you love the idea of finding someone to share it with! While some may consider smothering relationships every now and then, there’s no doubt that it’s because you genuinely care about your partner and the health of the relationship.
2: Taurus
While you can be seen as a pretty stubborn sign, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a soft, gentle side to yourself. You like the sense of security that love brings and you are not someone who is afraid to make a commitment. You may have a fixation on surrounding yourself with beautiful things in life, but you really want to find someone to share it with – and you’re not afraid to follow that desire.
3: Libra
Your desire for balance and harmony in all aspects of your life, including your partnerships, is not very shocking to anyone who knows you. While you may initially seem like a reserved type, you are an incredibly dedicated and loving partner, and you really live with the concept of falling in love with someone who helps you balance yourself in all the right ways. While you want to escape conflict situations, that doesn’t stop you from wanting to find the right partner in order to fall incredibly in love with them.
4: Pisces
You are considered one of the most romantic signs in the zodiac, and it is unbelievably true. You are incredibly idealistic and dream about what your perfect partner and relationship will look like – and you want to stay as close to that idea as possible. While you know this can be a bit unrealistic, you just want to be in love with the right person in the most perfect way possible – and would do anything to make it happen (including running away as fast as possible from anyone who doesn’t match. not to your expectations).
5: Aries
While you may be seen as a flirt or gamer in the Zodiac Realm, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to fall in love – you get bored incredibly quickly. However, when you fall in love with someone, you are incredibly passionate and intense – you could also be a sign that they most likely would say that they want to die for their partner… the only problem is that you could completely change your mind. notice in a week or two. Nonetheless, you like the idea of falling in love with someone so that they can come to explore this life with you and be by your side as you embark on new adventures together – you just need to find someone you don’t get bored with.
6: Leo
You love being the star of the show, Leo, but that doesn’t mean you want to go through life on your own. Although you are more than equipped to take care of yourself and take charge of your life, you have tremendous love and compassion in your heart, and you really want to find someone to share it with. Even if you don’t kindly accept anyone who tries to hold you back or control you, you honestly want to have a partner to share your life with, and if they want to, how perfect would that be?
7: Gemini
You’re incredibly outgoing, you stick with people and learn all about them, but love tends to be a trickier subject for you. There are times when you can be passionate about seeing yourself fall in love and building a life with someone, while other times you can just see a relationship as something that is holding you back from all of you. experiences that you pursue thereafter. You’re not quite sure what you really want, so you just tend to take things one day at a time – but at the end of the day, although you’re not desperate to be. lovers, you know that everything will be fine.
8: Virgo
You are not exactly opposed to the idea of falling in love, on the contrary, you are a very devoted and faithful partner. However, you tend to lean more towards the perfectionist side of your personality – either you think you’re not a partner good enough to be with, or not everyone is good enough to be with you. You know how to take care of yourself and find it hard to trust others in the first place.
9: Scorpio
You are one of the most sought after signs in the zodiac realm, but ironically, you’re not willing to give yourself too much. You tend to keep yourself closed enough because your heart doesn’t really trust anyone (including yourself). Even if you like the concept of being in
love with someone, you can’t see it happening to you. Your feelings for someone tend to be passionate and omnipotent when they arise, but you are not someone who rushes out the doors trying to find someone to be with. You’d rather be alone and not risk being vulnerable or hurt than weighing your heart just to be torn apart.
10: Capricorn
You can see the potential value of a relationship because you see the value in all types of relationships, period. However, you tend to dive headfirst into all aspects of your life and tend to want to be alone, especially since you are an extremely hard worker and doubt anyone else is. really able to keep pace. Even though you have a sweet side, and you wouldn’t mind having a relationship, you also know that you have so much to do in this life, that you’re not going to take a break to try and find someone. who falls in love with you – relationships are. takes time, and you won’t get consumed at all by being in one.
11: Sagittarius
You are a restless and curious mind and anyone who meets you can see it instantly. Even if you are not against the idea of being in love with someone, you also tend to see them as just one aspect that this life can offer you – and you are determined to experience this world as much as possible and this life, before your time. expired. You can’t really see yourself settling down with one person for the rest of your life – there are too many people to meet and too much to see! Also, even if you enjoy getting to know people and being with your friends, you won’t mind being alone at all as long as you can chase the things that you are passionate about.
12: Aquarius
You have so much to offer the world and you love to exchange ideas and do your part to make it a better place. While you tend to be a more reserved type, you are far from being heartless – you just don’t see more than an interest in chasing love or relationships. You are always afraid of being misunderstood and you place more priority on other areas of your life. While you’re not against falling in love if it means giving up your freedom, your space, and your ability to pursue the things you want, you’d rather die alone than be part of something that imprisons you. so much.