Zodiac Signs


The stars reveal to us which zodiac signs you should never listen to when they are angry, they damage your self-esteem.

When we are angry we end up saying things we don’t really think. In anger, the tongue becomes poisonous because often the only thing that matters is to hit and hurt those who made us angry . This attitude is more common in some zodiac signs. Find out which ones.

Watch out for today’s chart signs as they could hurt you a lot, their verbal attacks are among the strongest and most painful in the Zodiac.

These zodiac signs hurt most of all with words

From the astrological point of view, each sign is characterized by different characteristics which in some cases are opposed. For example, there are particularly calm, sunny and sociable signs that when they get angry they become possessed. You would never expect them to use offensive words and yet it can happen.

Today the stars reveal to us which are the zodiac signs that hurt the most when they turn hard to someone, they know perfectly well where to go and where to hit to hurt and often have the effect of killing the self-esteem of their interlocutor. Be very careful and plug your ears if you have a fight with today’s chart signs because you will undoubtedly get hurt.


First sign in the standings as well as first sign of the zodiac, Aries when clashing with someone will do everything to bring home the victory and will have no qualms about saying what will have the power to definitively silence his opponent . Angry Aries is very offensive and very stinging, after a verbal confrontation with him you will really want to cry. Do not take what he says at face value, in reality Aries does not always share what he says, for him it is a priority to win the battle on the field.


In second place we find Scorpio, a tactical and strategic sign . Before speaking, the Scorpio makes sure that he has understood who he is in front of and that he has gathered all the necessary information to use against him in an epochal confrontation , should the opportunity arise. By knowing a person deeply, Scorpio will also be able to deeply hurt him. Scorpio will not hesitate to annihilate his interlocutor if he has betrayed or hurt him.


Sagittarius surprisingly also occupies a place in this ranking. We all appreciate this sign for her great goodness of mind and for her altruism. It is a sign that releases positive energy and seems to have a huge heart, which is why when Sagittarius uses harsh words it has a devastating effect, certain tones and manners are not expected from him and this is probably why they hurt more. If the S agittarius uses offensive words it is only because he is instinctively responding with anger and has not thought about what he is saying. Sagittarius is usually a tolerant sign and doesn’t hurt others on purpose.

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