Zodiac Signs


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If you are one of the most empathic zodiac signs in the horoscope, we are sorry for you. It means that you are always very sensitive to everything and everyone while the others … well, they are not at all sensitive to you!

How many times has it happened to you to pick up strange vibrations in a situation but to force yourself, without following your instincts, for education or convenience? Or, tell us how many other times have you regretted not having listened to your intuition and your sensitivity and then find yourself having to face consequences that you had already foreseen months in advance? Well (or rather: bad), you may find yourself in our ranking of the zodiac signs today : ready to find out if you are there?

The most empathic zodiac signs of the horoscope: here is today’s ranking

If you have ever been with a person who is not very empathetic , you know that the chances of getting hurt are really very high.

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It is probably true that opposites attract each other and this is the reason why, often, you have found yourself with very little … sensitive partners , let’s put it this way.

Our horoscope ranking today is dedicated to the most empathic zodiac signs to better understand who are the people who have an extremely developed sensitivity. If you are there you will finally have proof that you are not simply ” too ” emotional but that it is others who do not have the same way of approaching situations as you! Better to know first, don’t you think?

Scorpio: fifth place

Those born under the sign of Scorpio are generally very empathetic people even if they don’t show it much.
Indeed, it is precisely this dichotomy that often puts Scorpios in difficulty: everyone expects seriousness and coldness from them while Scorpios , on the other hand, are very empathetic people!

By dint of hearing everyone’s problems, right on the skin, the Scorpios become real  Mister Wolf (from the film  Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino ). They solve problems, no matter how and where!

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Pisces: fourth place

Yes, dear Pisces , you are only in fourth place on our ranking today. We knew you expected to be much higher on the empath chart!
This does not mean that you are not absolutely kind people, empathetic and able to connect a lot with the feelings (of others and yours).

Pisces are simply people not fully committed to helping others as we have often been led to believe! They are the ones who choose which people to be totally empathetic to and, trust me, they don’t do it with everyone!

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Cancer: third place

Even those born under the sign of Cancer are found in our horoscope ranking today, among the most empathic zodiac signs.
Dear Cancers , it is true that you are extremely sensitive people to sensations, feelings, situations and emotions but this does not mean that you are always little angels !

Cancers are people who cannot help but be truly “manipulators” thanks to their empathy.
They ” read ” the situations of others and are able to exploit them at will (not always, of course, but often). Cancers , then, are also and above all empathic towards themselves: they take everything personally and forgive very little .

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Taurus: second place

Also on the borderline between empathy and irritability, Taurus are present in our ranking of the most empathic zodiac signs of the horoscope for their way of being always extremely sensitive.

Taurus is capable of changing their entire attitude due to a negative vibration in the air.
Emotional and empathetic even though they have a “stone” skin outside, Taurus are people who generally help friends without problems.

They take on everyone’s problems, sometimes without even making it obvious, and they also end up suffering a lot.
Even if the Taurus do not show it, know that they are really very empathetic: take care of the relationship with them !

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Aquarius: first place in the ranking of the most empathic zodiac signs of the whole horoscope

For Aquarians , being empathic is not a choice (but even if it is a  solid reality, know that we did not want to mention that advertisement that has just flashed into your mind). Aquarians
are people who naturally tend to be helpful to others.

They are healers , people used to perceiving evil and trying to eradicate it, in whatever form it appears .
For Aquarians, then, being empathic is pretty much second nature, something they can’t really give up.

Those born under this sign are very empathetic people, from whom you can not hide anything ( the most boastful zodiac signs, therefore, have no escape). Be careful with the Aquarius : they are able to read inside you without you being able to do anything and, if you are not clear in your requests for help, they will help you as they decide!

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