Love Horoscope For The Week Of July 3 – 9, 2023. Cancers Meet Love, But Pisces Risks Separation

Each week, the planets and constellations align in a fascinating cosmic dance, offering clues and influences on your life. Get ready to explore the cosmic road that is revealed to you between July 3-9, 2023, and discover what surprises and challenges await you.
July begins with a brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn on Monday, July 3rd, followed by another aspect with Mercury trine Neptune on Sunday, July 9th.
Now, although the Moon is not at its best in robust and reserved Capricorn, she is grounded – stable, hardworking, and practical. Capricorn is, after all, about goals and achievements. Think about what you have accomplished in the last few months – since the New Moon in December 2022, or thereabouts? What can you see that has come to fruition? How can you now enjoy the fruits of your labor? Jupiter, the giver of gifts, is in a wonderful trine with this Full Moon, offering its abundance and joviality. He is in Taurus – a sensual, lush, and pleasure-loving sign. He reminds us that we are allowed to celebrate all good things. Pleasure is our birthright.
There are also very positive aspects of this Full Moon, such as the trine between Saturn and the connection with the Sun. Saturn strengthens the Sun, bringing that grounding energy, as emphasized by the sign of Capricorn. We will end certain situations now, but not brutally. We need empathy and compassion. In other words, we are not tearing down the walls. We deconstruct with care, to make sure that it is a win-win situation for all those involved.
Now, let’s move on to our final aspect of the week – the imaginative meeting between Mercury and Neptune on Sunday, July 9. This is an artistic energy, one that gives wings to our minds and allows us to access the ever-elusive world of pure magic.
Let’s see what the love horoscope for the week of July 3 – 9, 2023 brings for each zodiac sign.
The Full Moon illuminates your career sector. Your idea of success may be quite different from what comes your way, but the results will surely delight you. Do not hesitate and celebrate the success with your life partner. If you have been distant lately, now is the time to meet again in a romantic context. It is a week in which you reap the merits and praises, so you will be charged with good energy. If you are single, someone might give you many compliments. It might not be anything serious, but you can enjoy a few dates.
You are extremely lucky. Jupiter, currently in Taurus, is connected to the Full Moon from Monday. This is likely to bring all kinds of rewards. You will be rewarded especially if you leave your comfort zone. Do something daring and you will see how independent, free, and brave you are. If you feel that you have certain problems regarding communication with your partner, the fault is Mercury in Cancer, which makes you more sensitive and darkens your reason. Be calm if conflicts arise in the relationship and do not rush to throw harsh words. If you are alone, it is not a favorable time to start a relationship.
In the area of love and relationships, it’s an extremely calm week, especially if you’ve been through trials lately. Finally, you can take a break from dramas and hot passions. Learn to live more for yourself and less for others. Mercury, your ruler, returns to the scene this week. On Sunday, he meets the dreamer Neptune in a trine aspect. Magic abounds now, so take advantage of it. This is especially true when it comes to finances and work. These two sectors can align nicely for you at this time. Use your gifts. Your skills are more productive than you thought. You will soon see that you are much more than you ever thought.
Being a water sign is very sensitive, it is natural to be connected to the phases of the moon especially compared to other signs. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3 is pragmatic and brings very clear things into your life. Which means something is changing for you. What? Maybe you are transforming into a whole new way of being. Maybe you are giving up on a relationship that has run its course. It is very possible to fall in love and experience a new fairy tale beginning. Or maybe you build and strengthen your connections and feel the joy of this. In general, these are all good things. Enjoy the gifts they give you this week.
Your ruler, the Sun, is very involved in cosmic energy as the other half of the Full Moon. The patterns of the past are coming to an end, and your inner child is being given the opportunity to be cared for, nurtured, and healed. Would you like your partner to say some words to you or comfort you at a certain moment? Now is the time to ask him exactly what you want. Communicate openly in your love relationship and you will see how you blossom together. There will be a period in which you will be reborn, you will change, needing all the support you can get from your loved ones.
This week’s Full Moon is in your sector of love, play, and pleasure, so it’s about celebrating these things and perhaps welcoming the creative achievements you’ve achieved so far. There is so much growth during this time – all you have to do is embrace it. You also have the gorgeous trine between your ruler, Mercury, in your community zone, and Neptune, in your relationship zone. As such, it is recommended to spend time with your partner, enjoy the moments together and celebrate your relationship! If you are single, there are huge chances to meet someone who can be your soul mate.
A situation at home or in the family is likely to end this week, with the Full Moon from the beginning of the week. Maybe, you are packing your bags and moving to a new and interesting space. Or, maybe it’s more of a psychological change you’re making. Maybe you are finally letting go of the past and heading toward a brighter and better future. If you are offered help – which is very likely – accept it. Jupiter’s conjunction with the Full Moon, also on Monday, promises financial release. We all need a little support sometimes.
The Full Moon of the month shines from the creative area of your birth chart. You were very good at structuring your plans, but now it’s time to get creative. It can also be an excellent time to call on the help and support of others, especially your partner or a close and trusted friend. The stars support you, so capitalize on these energies. Allow your loved ones to be with you and take action, don’t wait any longer. A favorable period is coming on all levels, especially the sentimental one. If you are single, now you can start a relationship.
Your ruler, Jupiter, is linked to Monday’s Full Moon in a trine aspect that brings emotional abundance. Pamper yourself, give yourself the things you’ve been dreaming of, and give yourself time to relax. Go with your loved one on an escapade for a few days. Romance is favored, you can spend wonderful moments together. Make declarations of love to your loved ones. You will see how you are charged with their beneficial energies. If you are single, this could be a favorable context to meet someone.
A Full Moon in your sign is a great way to start the week. Something you’ve been working on is finally starting to pay off. It can be a personal project or even a problem related to health and well-being. Positive feelings abound and you know you are heading in the right direction. Trust yourself. Trust in what the Universe is preparing for you. It is only the beginning of an extremely favorable period. As far as the couple’s relationship is concerned, you both float on pink clouds and encourage and support each other, which means a lot to you. If you are alone, something nice could happen with a person at work or in your entourage.
The Full Moon shines from your spiritual zone on Monday, while Jupiter trines the Moon from your family zone. The Full Moon invites you to return to healing, not just on your behalf, but on behalf of everyone in your life. There is something in your past that now needs to be released. Does it even belong to you, or is it a family pattern, a family heirloom? It can be anything, a habit, a path you took, and now you will have to change the route. Maybe an ex-boyfriend? You know best where the change needs to come from, you certainly receive immense support from the stars to start it all over again. Success!
Unfortunately, on a sentimental level, the news is not very good. There are many conflicts, dramas, and betrayals. You may suffer a lot in your love relationship. Many frustrations and dissatisfactions have accumulated, and if you don’t solve them now, the breakup will appear. You may feel that you can do better alone. It remains to be seen, however, what decision you will make. There is also better news towards the end of the week. Neptune, currently in your sign, has a beautiful connection with Mercury on Sunday, in your zone of pleasure and joy. Use all the energy accumulated in the last period for creative purposes. Write, draw, sing, or dance, do whatever helps you unload and start over. A new beautiful road awaits you.