Zodiac Signs

How to find the right partner in 2022

As single, we often wonder what we can do to find the right partner. But often it just doesn’t work out. But as the saying goes: New year, new luck. With a few tips, every zodiac sign can find their soul mate in 2022!

Aries (March 21st – April 20th): Give your dates time!

Aries-born people often have problems settling down and quickly lose interest in their dates.You should take the time to get to know your future partner better in 2022 and not write off immediately. Aries is especially attractive in March and April this year – so you should use the time to get to know new people well.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th): Be brave!

As a Taurus, you like to stay in your comfort zone and rarely try new things. Therefore, you find it difficult to find the right partner. In the new year, as a Taurus, you should try new ways to get to know your soul mate. How about a dating app? So you can have new experiences and maybe satisfy your desire for physical and closer in love.

Gemini (May 21st – June 21st): Don’t overlook your great love!

As a sociable twin, you like to put out your feelers and get to know new people and places. However, you often find it difficult to get involved with someone. In 2022 you should be careful not to overlook your true love. So accept your true feelings and give a relationship a chance.

Cancer (June 22nd – July 22nd): Take your needs seriously!

Cancers are particularly good partners because they are very loyal and accommodating. In the past, however, you often let yourself be guided too much by your partner and completely forgot about your own needs. In 2022 you should also listen to your inner voice and consider whether it can often work without a partner or what you really expect from your partner.

Leo (23.07. – 23.08.): Let your dates have their say!

2022 is the year of love for a Leo. For this, the self-confident Leo has to respond more to the needs of his dates. Let them have their say, choose the restaurant for the next rendezvous, and show interest in the person. So you can finally find Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Virgo (08/24 – 09/23): Don’t always expect perfection!

As a well-organized Virgo, you always have big plans at the beginning of the year and expect perfection – even when dating. This year you should just shift down a gear and let life come your way. When dating, don’t always expect the other person to make mistakes and give yourself a try. In autumn, the right person could be at the door

Libra (24.09. – 23.10.): Find out more about your dates!

For the super romantic Libra, for the first time only the physical attraction and the appearance of a date often count – there are hardly any in-depth conversations here. According to your horoscope, you won’t be chasing from one date to the next this year, but you should learn more about your potential partners. Ask about his hobbies, family, his favorite book and everything that is actually important to you in your private life. So you can be sure that it fits not only romantically, but also on a deeper level.

Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd): Show your vulnerable side too!

Scorpios are adventurous and full of energy – the right feelings are often neglected here. After a while, you should also show your vulnerable side to your new acquaintances and not always play the strongest. Just open your heart! In this way you can get closer on an emotional level and notice whether you really go well together.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21): Make your own decisions!

As a Pisces, when looking for your dream man in 2022, you should make sure that you are honest with yourself. What do you expect from a relationship? How should your partner treat you? When you have realized this, according to your horoscope, you can expect a year full of love and emotions – because then you are ready to get involved in a relationship.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th): Keep your eyes open!

As a Capricorn, work and success are usually your top priority. But this year you also want to let yourself drift a little and finally start looking for great love. You should take it easy. Keep your eyes peeled in real life and on dating apps, but don’t force a relationship that you’re not happy with.

Wasserman (January 21st – February 19th): Be honest about your dates!

2022 will be an extroverted year for all Aquarians and you will be surrounded by a charisma that will make you particularly attractive. You should use that this year to end your single existence. If there really isn’t a spark between you and your date, you should be honest. This saves you both unnecessary dates and you can keep looking for the right person.

Pisces (February 20th – March 20th): Don’t be dazzled!

Pisces are very understanding people and like to let their dates get away with a lot. But if everything goes well, you can quickly fall in love. In the new year you should make sure not to be blinded and take a closer look at your dates. According to your horoscope in 2022, your self-confidence will increase, which should help you.

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