How Much Darkness Is There Really In Your Soul According To Your Zodiac Sign?

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Do you have a black soul Or are you pure like an angel? Think back for a moment about all the good, bad things that you have ever done. What bad thoughts have you had before?
This question is probably not that easy to answer. In this post, you can find out how dark your soul really is according to your zodiac sign. Because your zodiac sign doesn’t only have talents and positive aspects. This also includes the dark sides. Some zodiac signs have significantly darker sides than others.
Not only should you be aware of the strengths and positive aspects of your zodiac sign, but you should also deal with the more uncomfortable features of your zodiac sign. Because this is the only way to get a deep insight into the real you.
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How much darkness is there really in your soul? Find out!
Your soul is not in the least dark. On the contrary, you are almost the exact opposite of darkness. But if you had some darkness in it, it would be the exciting kind of darkness. For example, you would go skydiving and do exciting things instead of watching horror movies.
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Your soul is actually pretty dark. However, you are very discreet with this site. You really don’t give anyone the chance to see this darkness as you usually keep all the bad things going on inside you. When someone sees your darkness it is usually due to your possessive nature towards those you care about. In moments like this, you find it difficult to hide these qualities.
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As a twin, you’re somewhere in the middle or maybe you’re standing a little more on the dark side with one foot. You keep swaying to the lighter and then again to the darker side. Although your soul is usually not entirely dark, you can move into the dark area if necessary and show your darker sides.
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Your feelings are so deep that they are represented by the color blue. Because of the same depth, this shade of blue can appear black more than any shade of gray. However, this does not mean that you have a dark soul, but that you are extremely filled with the emotions of sensitivity and insecurity.
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Leo, as we all know, is a born leader and the idol of many people. However, this is not because he manipulates followers to follow him through the darkness. Because his soul is not dark at all. A Leo is a tender and caring sign that leaves no room for darkness and is more oriented towards the bright and optimistic things in life.
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There simply isn’t enough time for Virgo to be dark because she’s busy like no other zodiac sign. Plus, as a Virgo, you need things that work in a certain way, and that’s far from obscure. Virgos tend to align themselves with the light and draw their strength from the positive.
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The soul of a Libra is black and white. On the one hand, Libra can sit in the wretched pits of despair and pout to themselves, and on the other hand, they are the epitome of light and happiness because they are often full of hope and confidently work towards their goals until they are achieved.
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Dear Scorpio, your soul is very dark. Despite your harmless appearance, under this mask, there is a blackness that is so pure that the light has no chance to enter your soul. This is why you seem so attractive to other people. Some just like to play with fire and are attracted to dangerous things.
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While you have the option to change your appearance like a chameleon, you would rather not opt for the dark, Sagittarius. Of course, this depends a lot on the people who surround you and who are close to you. But black just doesn’t suit you. You care too much about others for that.
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Your soul may be dark, but it’s not the kind of darkness that scares others off. In fact, your darkness comes from deep wisdom and somehow it makes you interesting. People love to listen to you and want to learn from you. You could never have bad intentions, dear Capricorn. You are far too good-natured for that.
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Because of your eccentric personality, you are actually driving the darkness out of your surroundings. Because of this, your soul is not dark at all. Usually, you strive to enjoy everything that life can offer you. This attitude keeps you on the brighter side of the spectrum, dear Aquarius.
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If any character could be the perfect shade of gray, it would definitely be the fish. Your mood can fluctuate back and forth between the two polarities, and even the slightest trigger from your surroundings can become a factor that tilts the scales and changes everything, dear Pisces. That’s why you never know when the barrel will really overflow.
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