Zodiac Signs

How He Will Try To Keep You Without His Commitment Based On His Zodiac Sign 2022

Do you know the kind of men who refuse to label your relationship, but at the same time don’t want to leave you alone?

This specimen who doesn’t want to make things official, but who on the other hand, also refuses to leave you once and for all?

The type of guy who does his best to keep you, but doesn’t have to make a commitment?

Well, find out how each of them does it based on their zodiac astrological sign.


The way an Aries man will manage to keep you attached to him, without actually keeping his promises, is by making sure you never forget him.

As soon as it begins to notice that it is fading from your memory and thoughts, it will reappear to the surface to text you something that will remind you of your story.

And he will do it just with the intention of turning your life upside down again and to make sure that you are not going to forget him anytime soon.


Taurus is the kind of man who, when you first meet him, seems too good to be true.

He will be very charming all the time, behave like a gentleman to you, and make sure that all of your needs and wants are met while you are around.

However, as soon as you go our separate ways, he’ll start behaving like he’s never met you.


If your man is a Gemini, you need to be careful about which friend zone he will try to train you in.

Indeed, he will make sure to become your best friend in the world even if he knows very well that you hope for more than that and that you are interested in him in a loving way.


The Cancer man always plays the card of sensitivity and vulnerability to achieve his ends.

Every time you try to get away from him, because you are fed up with him not wanting to engage, he will invent a new problem that only you can solve.

He will always manage to make you believe that he couldn’t get by without you and will rely on that as your number one weak point.


Unlike Cancer, the King of the Jungle will do the exact opposite – he’ll make you believe that you need him and that you can’t get away without him.

He will be at your service all the time, he will do whatever you want for you, he will do the shopping for you, take out the trash and act like the man of the house.

Nonetheless, the moment you start talking about engagement, he’ll start to get aloof and pull away. Take care, because he is certainly not the one who will pick up the phone first.

On the contrary, he will patiently wait for you to realize for yourself that you depend on him.

As soon as you ask him for help and need him, he will come back and be there to help you and get you back into his vicious cycle of manipulation.


The Virgo man is generally not someone who shies away from engagement. However, when he does, he makes sure you never know where you stand with him.

He will never openly tell you that he doesn’t want to make things official, but he will do everything in his power to make sure you get the message for yourself.


The catch with this man is that officially he will call you his girlfriend, but he will never treat you that way.

The Libra man will only commit to you in theory, while his actions will rarely live up to his words.

Even if he gives you the official title of “girlfriend,” you will never feel like his real spouse.


When a Scorpio man doesn’t want to engage with a woman, he turns that relationship into a purely appealing one.

Without you even realizing it, he turns you into the number one love scene on his list.

The worst part is that you probably won’t even want to admit to yourself that he only uses you for Timepass when deep down you will know it’s the truth.

Instead, you’re going to continue to hope that he changes and ends up loving you the right way.


Sagittarius will manage to keep you attached by opening up to you. He will make you believe that he is emotionally unavailable and that you are the only girl he can show himself in his true light.

Of course, he needs time to get over his breakup, and who better than you can help him?

When it comes to Capricorns, they’re very open about their relationships and what they want with the girl in question.

In fact, the Capricorn man won’t even try to make you think you’re the only girl in his life.

Rather, he will convince you that you are the only one who is special – the only one he cares about and who stands out from all the other women around him.


How an Aquarius manages to get you to stick around, without them needing to engage, will be through mixed signals.

He’s going to waste so much time on you trying to get to the bottom of him and figure him out, that you’ll end up falling in love with him even harder than ever.

And the worst part is, you can’t even blame him for leading you on his feelings and warming you up, because, let’s be frank, he didn’t do anything concrete to trap you.


A Pisces man will try to keep you in his life with big romantic gestures.

Every time you send him out because of your anger for not giving you the place you deserve in his life, he will show up at your door with flowers, write you a poem, or do something extraordinary just so that you forget what you asked of him and take it back.

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