Find out how big you are able to dream based on your zodiac sign.
In life, you know, there are people who are born with the ability to dream and others who are decidedly more anchored to reality. Sometimes these ways of being can be so extreme as to represent a problem for the life of those who implement them, other times they are easily modulated inclinations according to the occasions. In any case, the ability to dream remains a good way to take refuge in a protected environment when things are not going to their maximum and one to motivate oneself in order to create a better future starting from what one thinks.
What matters, of course, is knowing how to manage this attitude without being trapped in it. Only in this way, in fact, will it be possible to find the strength to move forward, driven by the desire to make one’s dreams come true. Since this ability depends at least in part on the influence that the stars have on us, today after having seen which are the most correct zodiac signs and the worst pairs of the zodiac , we will discover together how much we are able to dream big.
Can you dream big? And if so, do you do it right? Here is the answer of the stars.
Aries – Able to dream but staying down to earth
Your desire to improve yourself and have a life to be proud of makes you a person able to fantasize without the risk of staying in the world of dreams without ever achieving anything good . The force that pushes you to act always and in any case, is in fact perfect to motivate you and lead you to try to transform every single scenario that comes before you into reality. Every so often, however, you should learn to sift through the many projects and choose to follow only a few. Otherwise, the risk is to waste energy and find yourself without when the opportunity will be really propitious.
Taurus – Sometimes too immersed in dreams
There is no doubt that you are able to dream big and when you do you believe in it to the point of being able to convince even those around you. The problem is that sometimes your dreams tend to be really too big, with the risk of leaving you with a sense of disappointment if reality ends up matching you completely. Having removed this little “problem”, dreaming allows you to have in mind the image of what you want to achieve, which, combined with your tenacity, already puts you on the right path to obtain what you most want. Just try to give yourself a plan B as well and always be aware of the fact that sometimes reality can be a little different. In this way, safe from unnecessary disappointments, you will not risk losing your enthusiasm.
Gemini – Able to Dream and Wake Up Suddenly
When you dream you do it really big, imagining every little detail and trying to make it happen as soon as possible. Too bad that often a small mishap is enough to make you wake up suddenly. This leads you to become sad and move away from what was a dream until recently. A problem that you should learn to solve, learning the art of constancy and forcing yourself to follow every project started unless it is objectively impossible. The hitches, after all, are the order of the day and it is enough to learn to manage them in order to hope to arrive at something that resembles as much as possible what you had thought.
Cancer – Dreamer but only of theories
Well yes, although you like dreaming and it makes you feel better when you do it, you are someone who gets tired quickly and who once back down to earth does not even try to put your wishes into practice . This happens because dreams are something that you keep only for the moments when you want to recharge but that you prefer not to burden with what you almost always consider useless expectations. A way of doing things that can make you disillusioned in the long run. So why not try to take the most beautiful or simplest one to make and try to turn it into reality? Sometimes even the path to the realization of a dream alone can be important and this regardless of whether it comes true or not.
Leo – More than a dreamer, you are one who transforms dreams into projects
For you, dreaming is a bit of a waste of time. When something like a desire looms in front of you, you immediately end up turning it into a project, consequently making it a duty to fulfill. However, this is your way of doing it and what drives you to move forward without ever stopping and to succeed in almost all your businesses. Every so often, however, it would be nice to dream even without the desire for success but for the pure pleasure of experiencing strong emotions and able to make you feel alive in a different way and without expectations that, in the long run, can end up taking away a little. of magic to what you do.
Virgo – Not at all inclined towards dreams
Let’s face it, your pessimism or, as you call it, realism, makes you a person not at all inclined to dreams. Of course, there is no shortage of long-term projects in your life, but these are limited to advances that you believe are right and in line with what you do. If we talk about pure and simple dreams, there is always a certain reluctance on your part, partly due to the fear of deluding yourself and on the other hand from an underlying certainty that dreaming is only a waste of time and that in life only the rationality and the desire to push forward to try. If from a certain point of view, your being so practical can be seen as a point in favor, on the other hand the lack of desire to rely on dreams or hopes, risks depriving you of the necessary strength to insist when things seem to be turning. at worst. Try, at least once in a while,
Libra – Able to dream but in moderation
Letting go of fantasies is something that makes you feel better and that in the darkest moments helps you take a sigh of relief, waiting to regain the strength to move forward. If we talk about dreaming big, then, you are precisely able to do it and all with an awareness that allows you to understand when dreams are possible and when it is better to rely only on rationality. This ability of yours makes you a balanced person, able to always understand how it is best to move and to accept things as they come. A mix that makes you a winning person, especially if you will be able to face any adversity without ever losing the ability to dream even for the sake of it.
Scorpio – Similar to dreams but with a dose of
Instinctive rationality like few others, you are always ready to believe in dreams and to be guided by them. At the same time, however, you know when it is best to stop and follow other paths. Nevertheless, you never lose sight of that alternative path that continues almost in parallel, thus giving you the possibility to change your trajectory as often as you think it is possible. Your dreams, therefore, are often destined to come true thanks also to your tenacity and the awareness you have of your means. Which, combined with the critical spirit that distinguishes you, makes you a dreamer with a practical sense able to always guide her to the best.
Sagittarius – Eager to dream but lacking on a practical level
Your desire to dream big is great. Unfortunately, however, often and willingly, you let yourself be taken by the fear of not succeeding or of having made the wrong choice. In this delicate phase you end up many times with the clipping your wings, choosing the easiest way both for success and for the sense of frustration that, punctually, comes to haunt you. Since in nature you are more than inclined to fly free, try to believe more in what you want and let yourself be guided by your instincts. Over time you will be able to distinguish the dreams to chase and those to leave in the drawer and this will give you greater freedom to be yourself and, consequently, happier.
Capricorn – Great dreamer but with little practical sense
If we talk about dreams you are certainly very good at cultivating them and also chasing them. What you often lack, however, is the practical sense that is often essential to make them happen without running into annoying problems. In fact, many times you end up miscalculating the paths to follow, losing sight of the possible evolutions of the various paths. A problem that can be a big obstacle between you and what you want and that only with a little more practice can you hope to solve. A little effort that will make it easier for you to reach your many goals.
Aquarius – Open to All Kinds of Dreams
Dreams are an aspect of life that makes you feel better and relaxes you to the point of pushing you to cultivate them even when you already know you don’t really intend to follow them. For many it may seem a strange way of living things but for you who have more practical sense than it may seem at first glance, it is just one of the many ways to escape from particularly stressful days or periods. For this reason, dreaming is always a source of joy for you and almost never of disappointments. In this regard, however, the advice of the stars is to choose a dream among the many and try to really chase it. Doing so will allow you to experience new sensations, some of which are even more enjoyable than the ones you experience by simply dreaming.
Pisces – Basically, a born dreamer
It can be said that you already live in the world of dreams and that these are an integral part of your life for you. This, of course, does not mean that your potential is limited to theory but that you sometimes fail to focus on the means you need to make what you want to become reality. A problem that you shouldn’t struggle to solve, as long as you manage to divide the fantasies from the ambitions, following them with the right dose of tenacity and realism and without breaking down in front of those difficulties that when you dreamed you had not imagined. Maybe it will take a little more strength than expected but no one better than you has the potential to make dreams come true.