Horoscope For The Week Of February 27-March 5

This week begins with a difficult aspect between the Moon and Mars, the planet of action and aggression, which takes place on February 27.
Even if your emotions seem overwhelming, remember that they may not necessarily reflect reality. Wait before acting based on emotions.
The good news is that after this difficult aspect, some positive ones follow, which bring us good news and reasons for joy. Venus, the planet of love, forms a conjunction with Jupiter, the star of luck, in the sign of Aries. It is one of the annual meetings of these two beneficial planets and an aspect that we must take advantage of. On the same day, Mercury enters the sign of Pisces and allows us to translate what we feel much more easily into words.
Discover the horoscope for the week of February 27-March 5 for your zodiac sign:
The secret to keeping calm at the beginning of this week is to ignore all the discussions that come up and put your phone on silent. The situation improves significantly on March 2, when Venus and Jupiter meet in your sign. It’s a good time to do something for yourself or invest in your passions.
You feel overwhelmed at the beginning of this week by the financial problems you are facing. Maybe you work harder to pay off a debt or you simply compare your financial situation with others. Fortunately, after March 2 you feel much more capable and ready to focus on yourself.
It is possible to turn a small thing into something much more serious than it is. It’s easy to take things personally, but most of the time that friend, colleague, or family member doesn’t mean you harm. Fortunately, on March 2 you have the chance to do something you like, together with your community. Go to the places where you feel good.
You are not in a very good mood at the beginning of the week and you try to go unnoticed, as much as possible. But after March 2, you feel rested, full of energy, and ready to go out into the world. It is a very good day for an interview, if you are looking for a job, an important meeting with your boss, or an evening spent in town with friends.
Conflicts with colleagues or friends make the beginning of this week a difficult one for you. But after February 28, you are ready to let go of the drama and spend more time alone. It’s a good time to take care of a project, plan a trip or read that book you’ve been thinking about for a while. If you applied to some schools or jobs, you could receive good news on March 2.
The stress at work will seem overwhelming at the beginning of this week. Try not to take your boss’s fluctuating moods personally. Although it destabilizes you, all the troubled events that take place are not about you. The situation improves towards the end of the week when you have a relaxing meeting with your colleagues.
You feel the pressure to go out into the world and express yourself this week. But you have to find out if you want to do it because you have something to share or just because you feel obliged to prove something. Whatever you choose, the weekend brings you amazing opportunities to form a strong connection with a romantic or business partner.
In August of last year, you should have taken care of some older debts. If you didn’t succeed then, this week you may face a stressful situation and a deadline that you can no longer avoid. Whether you succeed or not, you will feel a sense of relief after March 2, especially in terms of work or daily routine. What seemed difficult to you, now you feel it is very easy.
You are not in a very good mood at the beginning of this week and you feel that everyone has something against you. Even your life partner or best friends. Fortunately, the situation changes after March 2, and so does your mood. Enjoy the boost of creativity you will feel, the romantic atmosphere in the couple, or the quality time spent with your children.
You start the week with the feeling that you are overwhelmed by all the household duties you have and everything you have to do to put your house in order. Whether you are hosting a party, selling your house, or renovating it, until March 2 everything will be transformed, exactly as you dreamed. Enjoy your new space and appreciate what you have achieved.
You feel that you are overwhelmed by the role of parent that you have assumed for some people in your life. It is not your duty to organize the lives of everyone around you, after February 28 you manage to focus more on yourself. A discussion with a friend, on March 2, gives you a good mood and makes you dream enthusiastically about the future.
You feel that something is not right at the beginning of this week. You don’t understand exactly what it is about, but you have a feeling of unease. A walk in the open air or a physical workout can help you get rid of that negative state. The situation improves on February 28, and on March 2 you receive great news related to money.