Horoscope For March 2024. Three Big Astrological Changes Will Affect All Signs
Three new major astrological stages begin in March and will bring significant changes for all signs.
Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the 23rd, and Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on March 25.
All these are transits of duration, especially for Saturn, which spent three years in Aquarius, and Pluto, which spent 15 years in Capricorn.
We will have many beginnings and endings, as well as many changes that seem to happen all at the same time. It is a turning point, which can change our lives.
Discover the March 2024 horoscope for your zodiac sign:
It’s time to take a step back and analyze your priorities. Saturn enters your subconscious sector on March 7 and will start a three-year period in which you must give up what blocks you and slows down your evolution. It is a stage in which you will be able to give up negative habits. As far as love life is concerned, the meeting between Venus and Jupiter in your sign on March 2 will bring you what you want.
Development is difficult and often causes anxiety, but stagnation is even worse. Saturn enters your friendship and community sector on March 7 and will start a period in which it will be difficult for you to maintain friendships and superficial connections. The more serious you are about your goals, the less patience you have for everything false and superficial. This month’s change excites you, but it is possible to rush headlong too quickly, which can lead to exhaustion and burnout. The full moon in Virgo, on March 7, is a good opportunity to have that important conversation with your life partner.
Saturn enters your career and public image sector on March 7. A period of three years follows that will encourage you to push the limits of your professional ambitions and discover what success means to you. Before starting new plans, make sure you follow your path and don’t cling to someone else’s idea of ​​success. This month will be hectic for you, but by the end of it, you will initiate new partnerships and different contracts that will help you on your journey to success. The aspect between Mercury and Jupiter, on March 28, gives you the chance to reset your relationships and say what you think.
Saturn enters your learning and development sector on March 7 and will start a three-year period in which you broaden your horizons. Whether you are working on a creative project, resuming your studies, or becoming a mentor for others, you discover that you are both a student and a teacher in this whole project. The new moon on March 21 marks the beginning of a new stage in your career, which will continue to develop at an alert pace over the coming years. What you wanted is finally happening. In terms of your romantic life, you may find that a close friend can be much more than that. Everything can turn into a beautiful love story.
Saturn enters your sector of shared resources on March 7 and starts a three-year period in which you take responsibility for what you have and what you owe. You pay off older loans, your collaborations become serious and you get an emotional release. It takes effort, but you don’t have to do everything alone. Although the current energy is focused on money, it is relationships that contribute to your transformation this month. Tense situations begin to be less intense. After a long period in which you felt that you were one step behind, the new moon on March 20 allows you to set new goals and see everything as a whole.
What seems simple is not always so. Saturn enters your astrological house of relationships on March 7 and will start a three-year period in which you must understand what you want from others. The full moon in your sign, from the same day, shows you that first of all you have to focus on yourself. You will have your share of confusion and misunderstandings as you support your desires and needs. By the end of the month, you will be convinced that you have some people with you who deserve all your trust.
Your goal for the next three years is to discover discipline in everyday life. On March 7, Saturn enters your house of daily routine and urges you to create a well-planned plan that will help you get what you want. Although you try to do all this alone, you discover this month that you need to build a reliable team. What you have with you, whether in your personal or professional life, will help or hinder you in this whole process. March is an important month for you emotionally. If you are single, the new moon in Aries, on March 21, brings you the chance to start a new relationship.
Your voice must be heard. Saturn enters your sector of romance, creativity, and children on March 7 and challenges you to lay the foundations of a project that will last. Although you may feel the pressure to start this new project – whether you want to get pregnant, write a book, or find a partner – things won’t happen faster if you rush. And if you don’t know where to start, follow your intuition.
It’s time to return to yourself and what you want. Saturn enters your sector of home, family, and private life on March 7 and brings three years to focus on your foundation, roots, and inner life. This month you will face some overwhelming situations both at work and at home. You will want to give them all your attention, but the more you avoid focusing on yourself, the harder it will be to find a solution. Mars finally leaves your relationship sector on March 25. Whether you were in a stage of butterflies in your stomach in your new relationship, or whether you went through a breakup, you are now able to think clearly and focus on other things.
Saturn, the planet that rules your sign, will enter your communication sector on March 7th and will start a three-year period in which you will evaluate and redo your daily routine and schedule. If in recent years you have been very frugal in terms of expenses, now you feel that you have the freedom to invest in your wardrobe, your home, or even your social life. This month you may even feel too indulgent, especially when Venus enters your pleasure sector on March 16.
You successfully resisted three years in which Saturn was in your sign. The planet of discipline will enter your sector of money and resources on March 7 and bring a three-year stage in which you will focus on your worth and your financial situation. But it is important not to rush, even if you feel now that you can change everything. After the sun enters Aries on March 20, it will be easier for you to form relaxed connections with possible partners. And some of them could even be among your friends.
Saturn enters your sign on March 7 and starts a three-year period in which you have to accept your limits. This month you have to discover who your allies are and what resources you have for the next stage of your life. The full moon in Virgo will take place in your relationship sector and will bring to a climax any romantic or professional partnership that began in August of last year.