Horoscope: here is the most suitable physical activity to get back in shape after the holidays
With the end of the holidays and the return to the usual routine, one of the main thoughts is to get back in shape as quickly as possible and without too many sacrifices. If on the one hand going on a diet or following a diet that is as healthy as possible is a valid help, on the other hand also sport can do its part by helping not only to lose the weight gained more quickly but by giving greater definition to the body. Obviously, there are several physical activities to be carried out and to ensure that the motivation remains high over time it is necessary to find the right one that is able to excite and intrigue. If you still don’t know which one is yours, the advice of the stars could be of great help. Today, in fact, after having seen what kind of diet to follow to get back in shape after the holidays, we will discover what physical activity to perform to improve metabolism and body shape . And who knows, in a few months you will not discover that you are even better than the period before the holidays.
Obviously, before starting any physical activity it is always good to hear the opinion of your doctor. Although suitable for the zodiac sign, some activities may turn out not to be indicated if in the presence of pathologies to be taken into account.
How to get back in shape after the holidays: the right sport for every zodiac sign
Aries – Running
Since you love to be always on the move but you are not comfortable with timetables, rules and impositions, the most suitable physical activity for you is definitely running. To do it, you just need to always have shoes and overalls at hand and, of course, the desire to get back on your feet after the extravagances of the holidays. Going for a run will be able to dispose of excess weight, increasing your metabolism and bringing various benefits to your body. You will also find that running is an excellent anti-stress that can make you feel at ease with yourself, put your ideas in order and make you feel alive. A physical activity that you will love and that you will probably choose to continue even after reaching your goal. Seeing is believing.
Taurus – Lessons with the personal trainer
Exercising isn’t exactly what you love most. If returning to your ideal weight can allow you to return to eating without too many thoughts, however, the desire to get involved starts knocking on your door. In front of a specific goal and lack of motivation, the best thing to do is to rely on a personal trainer able to establish the most suitable path for you and the right exercises to do. In this way you will feel followed and you will know that you can always change if you don’t like things.
Gemini – The various courses in the gym
Since you just need to keep moving to lose weight, the best choice for you is to opt for an open subscription that allows you to vary physical activity and to experiment with more courses. This way you can avoid the big problem of boredom by trying various sessions and choosing to follow only the ones you like best. Also, knowing that in case of sudden boredom you can always change is a great way to avoid the risk of giving up after the first few weeks.
Cancer – Stretching
Basically you are not a great athlete. For this reason, the thing that suits you best is a discipline where there is no sweat or too many calories to burn. Stretching in this sense may prove to be the right choice for you, allowing you to increase in flexibility and elasticity with a rather quiet but still tiring activity. The top would be to be able to add a few minutes of treadmill to him before starting. A way like any other to reach your goal anyway without weighing you down too much.
Leo – Gag
Since when you decide to get back into shape there is nothing that can hold you back, the most suitable physical activity for you is the gag. It is a type of activity that you can follow at home or in the gym, alone or in company and which allows you to go to work on the lower body with bodyweight exercises or with the help of dumbbells, ropes, etc. … A sport that grows with you and that you can model according to schedules and lifestyle in order to feel it as yours and to practice it with the awareness that it will soon make you feel more beautiful than ever.
Virgo – The weight room
When you decide to dedicate yourself to something you do it as always, focusing everything on reason and thinking carefully about how to move. The weight room in this sense proves to be the best choice for you, giving you both a way to think and to actively work on the muscle groups of your choice. This way you will constantly know what you are doing and the results that what you do should lead you. An awareness capable of motivating you and keeping the motivation intact that would otherwise end up collapsing as the days go by.
Libra – The dance
Your innate elegance makes you particularly suitable for a path such as dance. Today, practicing it is also possible at an amateur level and simply to make the movements more harmonious. And what is best for you than a sport that helps you become more elegant and find the right posture while you get back in shape? A dance class will surely be able to give you the right motivation and keep you looking forward to the next lesson. Seeing is believing.
Scorpio – Aerobics
For you who always tend to stress and suffer the weight of the day in life, an aerobics session from time to time can make the difference, helping you to release the tension accumulated during working hours and all while getting back into shape. Dancing to music will be a perfect way to unwind, transforming that hour into a special moment just for you, in which to relax and strengthen yourself. The perfect choice to find something you don’t get bored that gives you the right adrenaline to continue over time without losing interest.
Sagittarius – La zumba
Doing zumba, for a person who is always active and with a great desire to have fun like you, can really be the best option and able not only to lose weight but to act as an outlet for work frustrations or problems that otherwise they would stay inside, building up in an ever stronger dose of stress. Even better if before starting you agree with a friend to share the journey with, making everything even more electrifying.
Capricorn – Spinning
The most suitable physical activity for you is undoubtedly spinning. In fact, between the music and the adrenaline charge necessary to bring your circuit to the bottom, you will also have the opportunity to release the tension accumulated at work, thus discovering new ways to relax and feel better. In addition to the calories burned, you will see the bad mood disappear and this is perhaps the best part and it will make the hours dedicated to sports much lighter than you would have thought at first.
Aquarius – The bike
It may not seem like the most effective way to lose weight but cycling can also make a difference, especially if you choose a path with climbs and descents and if you focus everything on accelerating your heartbeat in order to increase your metabolism and feel alive. On lazy days, it will also be a way to relax by looking around and enjoying the beauty of nature. A whimsical choice like you are and that for this alone fits perfectly with your nature.
Pisces – The home work out
For you who love so much to have spaces just for you and who are not a lover of chaos, a good choice can be a home work out, to be practiced daily in order to achieve the goals you want. you are imposed. Obviously, you can easily replace this with a session in the gym where you can concentrate between running on the spot, steps and weights. What matters is that you are always able to feel at ease. Otherwise, in fact, the risk of giving up everything to never resume would be too high.