Zodiac Signs

His Ideal Woman According To His Zodiac Sign


For this man, the most important thing is that his girlfriend thinks he is the most handsome, the best and the smartest, and if she tries to contradict him or break his ego, she will soon no longer be a part of his life. .

Aries has a schedule you can fit in or not, as long as they don’t have to compromise.


He wants a woman he will have fun with in a cafe or restaurant because Taurus likes to enjoy his partner’s company but also peace and quiet, so don’t go to him with plans or decisions. spontaneous.

With Taurus, everything must be planned, but in accordance with their schedule. Also, if you’re not a big fan of cooking, don’t even approach it.


Gemini is happy as long as it’s fun, and you’ll often feel like a teenager next to them.

Although more often good than bad, someone of this sign will behave the same way in serious situations.

If you don’t like partying late at night, his company won’t suit you.

You can’t make him do what you want because you can’t manipulate him – because he’s a manipulator.


His mood changes quickly and due to the fact that he is often tense, he suddenly gets angry. Cancer likes to be constantly invited to the places you go.

His feelings are mixed, so you will often have to compromise if you want a successful relationship.

For good advice, talk to his mother.

His family comes first, so never come between him and them. If you’re not ready to adapt to his world, look for love elsewhere.


The loudest and most accessible sign of the horoscope, Leo, must be the center of attention.

If you don’t pay enough attention to him or if you forget about him, even for a day, you will suffer the consequences.

He puts up with difficult situations that he doesn’t like.

If you don’t want to listen to monologues that will stimulate him or if you are not ready to give him compliments on a daily basis, it is better to give up.


Pedantic, well-dressed, conservative and well-ordered, a man under this sign is almost always dressed to the nines.

He can find fault in everything and everyone, including himself.

He’s ironic and it’s hard to convince him that you might be right because he always finds a way to be right.

He can plan his whole life with you and never do anything again.

This man must understand that not everything is perfect and personal relationships and feelings are not planned because they are not jobs.


Unhappiness and indecision are two of Libra’s faults. They will always try to compromise.

You won’t know at first if he’s in love or if he’s just well-behaved.

They don’t like to be alone, they always have company or are with their family, and with you too if they find the time.

However, these men know when to apologize and they avoid arguments and conflicts as much as possible.


This man is difficult to approach although he loves love and romance. It is important for him to have regular doses of satisfaction, while everything else can wait.

He’s jealous and possessive, but that’s because he’s insecure.

If you think you have enough energy and imagination, but also patience, for this man then you can try dating him.

If you’re not ready for total devotion, you may want to avoid dating this man, because with him there is no compromise.


Adventurous and changeable, this happy sign of the horoscope will not be able to stay close to you if you constantly stick to your attitudes and control their time. He loves his freedom more than anything.

He does not want to change anything on his own, but he expects his partner to follow his rhythm. Sometimes he doesn’t know what he wants, but he always knows what he doesn’t want.

He doesn’t change his philosophy of life for anyone, so don’t try to tell him what to do or anything like that, you’ll find yourself at the door very quickly.


He can talk for hours but also wait for days. This is why he will often miss the opportunity to approach you.

He doesn’t take the initiative, so it’s hard for him to decide to approach a girl he likes.

If he’s already in a relationship, everything has to be according to his rules so he can introduce his girlfriend to his family. He is slow but thorough.

If you pass his tests with a lot of patience, you can expect success. Otherwise, leave before it’s too late.


It’s hard to hold him in a serious relationship, and marriage is almost impossible, so don’t expect it too soon.

He loves to live for company and parties.

He doesn’t take marriage seriously and he doesn’t understand its purpose. His secret is that he will only accept a woman who is his friend first and then everything else.

Until he finds one like that, loyalty won’t be his strong suit.


It is difficult for this man to open up to others. It only acts when it is certain that a person can adapt to their way of life.

It is very important that you do not limit him because he will not invest his energy in such a relationship.

He is a lover of music and cinema, so with him you can enjoy the arts.

He is not the type of man who falls in love easily, so a good successful relationship requires more time and patience.

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