Highlighting the Four Water Cusp Signs Known for Their Enjoyable Company.

A cusp isn’t necessarily a case of split personalities. It is dual personality traits combined into one zodiac sign according to someone’s birth date. For example, you may be an introverted Scorpio, but also notice you’ve got an intense flair for fashion and talking too much in your social circles. You may be an emotional Cancer, but also know you have the ability to make someone laugh out loud to the point where tears uncontrollably come out of their eyes. Cusps have a way of merging their dual personality traits to create an ideal balance. Individuals who may initially be introverted naturally display extroverted traits in certain social settings, and ones who are extroverted by nature may possess the ability to align boundaries in both their public and private lives.
1. Scorpio/Libra
(October 19 – October 26)
These Scorpios are always popular. They are the perfect hybrid of individuals who come off as socialites, as you’ll usually find them dancing the night away on the dance floor, but they are also introverts at heart. These cusps know how to charm your socks off, yet are also able to have deep conversations with them. They are one of the best dressed cusps in the zodiac, but they don’t spend too much money on all their outfits (unless it’s a 70% off sale, of course). This is honestly one of my favourite cusp combinations, as these individuals are perfectly balanced in their communications skills, social life, and friendships.
2. Cancer/Leo
(July 19 – July 25)
These Cancers are hilarious, good looking, and have enough nerve to stand up to you if they ever feel attacked. With the Leo energy so close to these cusps’ birth dates, it enhances their water capabilities and transforms them into someone that would definitely attract all the attention in a social setting. On your bad days, expect this cusp to be there for you with enough jokes and strong emotional support. These individuals are also very social and usually have an army of friends to prove it. They love going out and having the time of their lives, but like the Scorpio/Libra, they also value their private time and seclusion as well. Overall, these cusps are great friends to have around. They provide the perfect combination of someone who doesn’t only appear strong on the outside, but on the inside too.
3. Pisces/Aries
(March 17 – March 23)
These fish are fun, active, and strong af. With the Aries energy so close to their birthdates, it’s safe to say that these Pisceans are action-oriented. They dream, but they also do. They fantasize, but they also have the ability to transform any desire they have into a reality. I love the placement of this particular water sign because it gives that unlimited source of motivation every one of us needs to make our dreams come true. It provides the stamina and drive to execute well thought out plans and optimism to get any job done. These Pisceans are still sensitive but can become feisty when provoked. They are also social, but do love a rainy day inside the house sipping hot cocoa. You can surely count on these cusps to lend you the most inspiring advice, especially on your very worst of days.
4. Pisces/Aquarius
(February 15 – February 21)
These fish are intellectuals and very well-read. As their birthdates are merely close to Aquarius, this air sign’s energy enhances this water sign’s social, communication, and people skills. They are bookworms, yet don’t mind attending as many social events as they can. They have great style, yet are still very practical. These individuals are the perfect examples of how we can all balance a social life and a private one all at once. These Pisceans love going out, but also enjoy staying in watching movie marathons of old school films from the 50s. They love fine dining, but also prefer to indulge in their favourite home-cooked meals. These particular cusps are the ideal combination of creativity, intelligence, and an incredible sense of affordable fashion.
Being a cusp isn’t all that bad. Sure, you may feel like everyone gets easily confused by you, not knowing which personality trait to cater to. But you’ve also got an advantage as well. You’re not strictly attached to only one set of personality traits, and as you’ve read above, sometimes that’s a pretty amazing benefit to have. You can hold your own at parties that can get a little out of control, and you’re not afraid to fight back when provoked. Overall, you truly teach us the example of leading a life well-balanced.